Questions answered (What is...?) ================================ 2police.txt What the Police should now about Wicca alchemy.txt What is Alchemy? atheism.txt What is Atheism? blackmag.txt What is "Black Magic"? dianism.txt What is Dianism? discordi.zen What is Discordian Zen? explnshm.txt What is Shamanism? felix.txt Why I believe in Reincarnation gnostic.txt What is Gnostism? humanst1.doc The Humanist Manifesto I humanst2.doc The Humanist Manifesto II odinism.txt What is Odinism pagan.doc Beliefs of a Pagan Polytheist pagan.q&a What Christians don't understand about Neopagans paghist.txt Intro to Paganism principl.txt Basic Principles of the Craft ritual.txt What is Ritual? sant1.txt Information On Santeria (1 of 3) sant2.txt Information On Santeria (2 of 3) sant3.txt Information On Santeria (3 of 3) smudging.txt What is Smudging? thelema.q&a What is Thelema? weik.txt Where did the word 'witch' come from? whatis.txt What is a priest/ess? An Isian replies.... wicca.msg What is Wicca? (real short version) wicca.txt What is Wicca? witch-or.txt What the Christians believe about Wiccans Information on the Denver Area Wiccan Network ============================================== intro.dwn What is the Denver Area Wiccan Network (DAWN)? bylaws.dwn Bylaws of the Denver Area Wiccan Network (D.A.W.N) const.dwn D.A.W.N. Constitution General Neopagan Files ====================== 13ques.roy One persons answers 7rays.txt The 7 rays (Theosophy) 8sabbats.txt Overview of the 8 Sabbats aadl.txt The Aquarian Manifesto alert86.upd Circle Sanctuary wins zoning battle allies.txt Earth Power: My Experience With Animal Allies allover.txt Meditation Game altered.txt How the Chistian Gospels came about ancntart.txt The Ancient Art, Another what is Witchcraft article answer.txt How to find your correct path auras.txt Information on aural magick auras.arj All about auras aware.txt Awareness Techniques awarenes.txt Awareness Techniques baddintr.txt Info on B.A.D.D. balance.msg Discussion Of Gender Balance In Circle beltan.txt The Beltane Conspiracy biblio.txt Bibliography of Craft Articles bibsf.txt Magick in Science fiction bigtime.txt A slam to the commercialization of the craft bincense.txt Rowan Fairgrove On Botanical Incenses book.lst Neopagan book list books.pgn Talespinners booklist books.txt Pagan book list brnstorm.txt Brainstorming Game camelot.txt Camelot: A Dimension of Power candlema.txt Candlemas essay by Mike Nickols catmagic.kam Wiccan review of "Cat Magick" chakra.rit How to develope you chakras chakras.txt The seven chakras and associated aspects channel.txt information on channeling channels.thr Message string on channeling channels.txt info on channeling ciabwash.txt CIA Documents (de-classified) on brainwashing circle2.txt CIRCLE2.TXT clip-88.lst Index of newspaper witchcraft articles by Rowan Moonstone f clip-89.lst Index of newspaper witchcraft articles by Rowan Moonstone f clipping.lst pre 88 news clipping list of articles concerning the craft code.txt Internation order of Metaphysicians code of ethics commgame.txt Communications Game compare.asc Rowan MoonStone's Comparisons of Wicca and Christianity compu.psi The Use of Computers in Psychic research contact.txt "Guidelines For Making Contact" conv.txt "Astrology Of The Harmonic Convergence" coven.txt Reality check for setting up a new coven crywork.txt Energy and Crystal Workshop cybwicca.txt "The Cyber-Wicca Manifesto" death.txt A near Death experience defense.msg Dealing with Psychic attack diction.txt Glossary of terms used in witchcraft divina.bib A bibliography of divination books divinati.doc Open discussion on tarot divination dreams.txt Design Your Own Dreams ecstasy.txt The posture of ecstasy Info on the New Wiccan Church of California elements.asc RMPJ Elements invocation elemnt.txt 132 column printout of elemental properties empower.txt Article on empowerment ethics.luv The ethics involved in a love spell ezprot.txt Article on psychic protection festival.asc Brief summary of the 8 sabbats footstep.txt Footsteps on the path force.txt Essay about "The Force" fyi.txt Exorcism gaiagape.txt Contacting the Earth Monther geraldo.txt Transcript of 10/29/87 show on Witches and Witchcraft goodwife.txt The Wise Goodwife grant.txt Information On "Federal Grants For Catholic Schools" handbo Handbook for the spiritually mature highplil.asc High Priest of LIL holyfol1.txt The Holy Fool 1 holyfol2.txt The Holy Fool 2 holyfol3.txt The Holy Fool 3 holyfol4.txt The Holy Fool 4 holysite.txt Make your part of the earth 'Holy' idiot.txt Are Witches Tax-exempt? indian1 Past life as an Indian innereye.txt Exercising the power of your mind's eye ishtar.asc Information on Ishtar journey.txt The Crystalline Journey kabcode.txt Hidden Codes in The Torah kissfive.asc The fivefold kiss lam90.txt UWC Lammas 1990 in the Sequoias. lear.txt Debate on Paranormal Issues by John Lear leary004.txt The eight circuits of consciousness list.chk Checklist for a well working group lizard.txt Pagan AIDS group formed mag-pol2.txt New MAGICKNET policey after May 1, 1990 magic.bib Bibliography of magick in science fiction Old map of who gets Magicknet...not nearly up to date the laws of magick 1 of 3 the laws of magick 2 of 3 the laws of magick 3 of 3 magus2.txt Information on Channeling mayan.txt Information On The Harmonic Convergence mayday.txt Essay on Mayday media.lst Dealing With The Media medix.txt When magick doesn't work megatrnd.txt High Tech meets the Ancient Wisdom mforce.txt What Makes magick work? mormon.txt "Is Mormonism Paganism" by Thomas S. Rue A Mother's Day Message mph.txt An essay on the nature of mankind mtnjrny.txt Journey to enlightenment (visualization) necro1.txt Article on Necromancy #1 of 2 necro2.txt Article on Necromancy #2 of 2 negents.txt The reality of negative energy/entities negents2.txt Part 2 negents3.txt part 3 newage$$.txt Westword article on New Age comercialization in Denver new_aeon.txt Out of the old Aeon and into the new nostra.txt Some of Nostradamus' predictions numtarot.txt Intro to numerology and the tarot occbooks.txt Out of Print Occult Books (Excellent Source) occult.txt Vatican approves ghost seekers seance occult14.lst National Occult BBS list, November 90 update occ_dir.txt Occult Directory office.txt Definitions of coven offices ogoddess.txt Goddess spirituality in NY area oprah.txt Transcript of 6/24/87 show on witches overview.asc Paganism: An overview for the uninformed pagan.bbs Another occult BBS list Some pagan Journals and publications pagan2.bbs Yet another paganpub.lst Pagan publications list pantacle.txt "The Pantacle - A Teaching Story" by Gary Dumbauld paradir.txt ParaNet BBS Directory polsrv.txt Positive wicca police information prophecy.txt A hard look at prophesies concerning Jesus prophet.txt Indian Lore: The curse of the Prophet psd1.txt Psychic Self Defense psychic2.txt An experiment in telepathy publicat.asc Pagan Publication list pyramid.rev Review of the Book 'Pyramid Power' pyramid1.txt Information on Pyramid Power qanda.txt "What Christians don't understand about Witches" B. Hicks quantum.txt Magick desribed in Quantum Physics readlist.caw The Church of All Worlds reading list reincar.msg Reincarnation and the Christian Church in History relax1.txt Relaxation techniquest prior to OOBE relax2.txt #2 relax3.txt #3 resource.txt Pagan/Wiccan resourse list risks.txt "Risk Assessment..." by Weyland Smith rules.txt Rules for being human samhain.txt The Origins of Halloween by Rowan Moonstone scraft.txt Interplanetary Pagan Ideals by Hurn seasons.txt Mike Nichols, "The 8 Sabbots of Witchcraft" seattle.txt Chief Seattle's letter to US over the 'sale' of indian land setbr1.txt Info on The Coven of the Black Rose shaman.txt Summary of Dr. Michael Harner's Shamanic Basic Workshop shamnmkh.txt Commentary on modern Shamanism sidereal.ans Commentary to SIDEREAL.TXT sidereal.txt Information on Sidereal versus Tropical Astrology spell.txt How to build spells spirit.ef Spirituality stairs.txt The Stairway Dream stargaze.txt Astology in America starseed.txt Starseeds suspects.cir Occult organizations list suwen3.txt Energy & The Cosmos symbols.txt discourse on symbolism t12.txt Roster of Fairies and nature spirits teacher Finding a Teacher in the Craft teacresp Responsiblities of the Teacher toehn.txt The official Erisian Heresy Newsletter volumn 1 toolist.asc Wiccan Master tool list tools.msg Discussion On Tools Of The Craft triangle.txt Triangles - The Power Of Thought truth-hs.doc AMER: The truth about Human Sacrifice truth-ra.doc AMER: The Truth about Ritual Abuse truth.txt How to seek the truth in any situation unicorn.txt Article On Unicorns valid.txt Is Astrology Valid? vampire.txt The Magicians Disertation On Vampires visions.txt A Look At Reality w-towers.txt "Re-Thinking The Watch Towers" by Mike Nichols warnke.ltr A letter from Christian Minister Mike Warnke wash.mss How fundies convert people....very informative wicca.asc A comparison of Christian and Wiccan Beliefs witches2.txt "A Modern Craft Fairy-Tale" by Mike Nichols wizvis.txt Journey of a wizard / visualization yulesbt.txt Yule Essay by Mike Nichols New and old myths: ================== ja&jil.asc Jack & Jill Moon Myth creation.txt Faery Trad: Creation wheel-yr.txt Faery Trad: Wheel of the Year 1stwrite.txt The Birth of Writing, Kihe Blackeagle 1stmusic.txt The Origin of Music, Magenta Griffith hermyth.txt Hermes Myth inanna.txt Innanna Myth (from Necronomicon) flute.txt Origin of the Flute Myth necrotex.asc Necronomicon historic fable nile.txt Legend of the Nile advts-uk.arj collection of ads for uk occult mags. grimm197.txt Grimm's Fairy Tale - The Crystal Ball