Together with the golem in his guise as frankensteins monster, the vampire has become the worlds best known supernatural monster. the result of decades of horror films capitalizing on the imagination and researches of an irish author named bram stoker. Before stoker, the vampire legend had attracted attention, and had even become something of a fad in Europe,but it was jumbled, tangled, overgrown. Stoker pruned it, performed some judicious grafting, dressed it up in a richly purple prose, and added "Dracula" to the list of classic horror stories. / The name of his vampire was borrowed from the name of a 15th century Balkan nobleman whose sadistic cruelties justified his name; Dracul means "devil" in Rumanian. Corollaries and ancestors of the vampire several times remove, are fairly plentiful. Evil blood sucking demons or witches and blood hungry ghosts abound in primitive belief. There is also the demonic lilith of ancient Hebrew legend, who had many vampire traits, and the Romans conceived of the lamia, a near relation of the vampire, who enticed men sexually and then feasted on their blood. Almost exclusively a creature of the slavic regions and Balkan states of eastern Europe, the vampire made its appearance in its present form in the 16th century. The word vampire comes from various eastern European terms, including the magyar "vampir". and from greece we get the term "vrykolakas". It must be remembered that the vampire is a resuscitated corpse not an immaterial spirit. As a cadaver, the vampire looks cadaverous; lean,pale with the pallor of death, Icy cold to the touch. ******* enough ******************* /*********************** the magician *****************************