BRAINSTORM AN IDEA OF THE MIND Brainstorming has traditionally been done verbally. Here you will brainstorm an idea in your inner eye (or ear if it is something musical, or taste buds if it is something to cook or eat). PART 1 Pick a concept or a problem or a challenge that intrigues you. You might want to pick several, sleep on them, and then decide on one that you like the best. PART 2 Breathe deeply and go to a place on your inner journey that's peaceful and lovely. Then put the brainstorming subject on your inner screen, or in the minds eye. PART 3 Tell yourself you want to explore all the possibilities and then watch them come. They may come in groups, followed by a period of quiet, and the come in groups again. Do NOT judge what comes up as terrific or awful or anything in-between. PART 4 In a notebook or on a sketch pad, quickly note down every image or idea. Set a quanitity goal for a certain period of time, say two or three dozen in an hour. Whatever comes up, however unimportant it may seem, note it down. PART 5 At the end of the time period, look over what you've done. Note how rich and diverse your imagination is. PART 6 Feel good knowing you have a wonderful imagination and that you have the power to make it even more so. May you find the joy and peace that you deserve, and may you utilize this text to assist you in your ventures... The Wizard Ariel> EOF>