From: Josh Norton Area: Thelema To: All 19 Aug 92 12:58:10 Subject: Summer doldrums UpdReq Is everybody off on vacation, or are you all just bored with Thelema? Message traffic here has suffered a great drop since the first of August. * SLMR 2.1a * Follow a Paranoid 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718 From: phil pope Area: Thelema To: Tony Iannotti 20 Aug 92 19:36:00 Subject: Re: Liber 777 UpdReq TI> Do you have a file echo system running down there? Maybe once they TI> are on your continent they can be passed around via modem more TI> economically. Let me know if you will be making them freq'able, and TI> I'll send other OZers to you. Thanks! We have the tic file attach system here but I poll for mail long distance, so I don't hatch files in as it would cost me to much, However, I will be making them freq'able. I set up my board to disseminate info on all forms of magick. All files on Alchemy ACT are freq'able. Thanks for the info. I will try to write to the OTO shortly. Tetelestai, Phil ... "Ah Worf, any good books lately?" ~~~ Blue Wave/RA v2.05 [NR] 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718