From: Mordred Area: Base of Set To: Falcon 29 May 95 19:40:00 Subject: evil satanists UpdReq If you mean by more "darker, more evil" Satanists, psychopaths or criminals, this is probably the wrong forum to ask. Read some Dennis Wheatley, it has a dark image, and will keep you off the streets and out of prison. If, however, you mean of evil, dark etc as a creative, inspiring and useful method of antinomian practice, although ethical in scope, then I would say, yes, there are magicians who go beyond the Church of Satan. I am referring to the Temple of Set, who run this echo. The Temple of Set can be rightly called a matured Church of Satan, we do not have to try to scare fundamentalists or society, rather we try to avoid them, or confront if they encroach on our ethically chosen behaviour. The main reason we are 'beyond' the COS is that we are not some type of inverted Christianity, and though we place the COS in a position of historical interest, we are beyond the label "satanist". We see that Satanism in the conventional sense as having a kind of built-in image in the mainstream of society, with the profane asumptions of satan etc. If you want more information on the TOS, see the various FAQs posted some weeks ago, or ask the Sysop for more info. ------ Note: I am not any sort of official spokesperson for the Temple of Set, and any opinions expressed are my own. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718