From: Lord Shadow Area: Base of Set To: John Machate 23 Apr 95 08:35:46 Subject: RE-ToS UpdReq Greetings, John! 20 Apr 95 17:20, John Machate wrote to Lord Shadow: LS>> If this isn't a handle, I'm quite impressed. LS>> PODS 's really reaching far. JM> Two notes, that is his real name, and this is not PODS. It is JM> Nuitnet which is run by the ToS, used to be Beastnet. Sorry, I forgot, because I get this via PODSNet and it isn't marked as an exterior echo, probably because my PODS-HUB used to carry the Beastnet, too. sign of chaos 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718