From: Keith S Schurholz Area: Base of Set To: Michael Aquino 5 Dec 94 12:20:10 Subject: Re: ONA, Brotherhood of Baldar, OLHP, etc.UpdReq MA> The Temple of Set does not have any official policy pertaining to racial MA> studies. As you know, this is a highly-emotional area because of the many MA> harmful distortions and oversimplifications it has engendered, MA> particularly in MA> MA> this century. Yet it is also a most interesting topic, and one with MA> potentially positive potential. So I would say that if you can approach MA> it and MA> MA> not get tangled up in some this-or-that-supremacist ideology, there is MA> much cultural and magical wisdom to be found therein. Thank you for your informative response. One of the things I like about the TOS is the emphasis on education and READING LISTS - do you have any suggestions as to reading material about the above topic? Much thanks! Keith S Schurholz 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718