From: Christeos Pir Area: Base of Set To: Diabolus 25 Oct 94 19:37:48 Subject: Re: Raschke UpdReq -=> Diabolus sent a message to Albert Saperstein on 23 Oct 94 12:28:00 <=- -=> Re: Re: Raschke <=- Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Di: A passage reads: "Dr. Raschke said the intellectual Di> traditio behind occult groups like Mr Jouret's can be traced to the Di> Englishman Aleister Crowley, an early 20th century writer, Di> practicioner of magic and founder of secret societies, most notably Di> the Ordo Templi Orientis." Damning with faint... uh... mention? If that's exactly what he said, then it's hard to argue with it. It *IS* a rather sneaky way to associate the Solar Temple people and the OTO in the reader's mind, IMO. While one could make a case for an argument that, say, Westcott and Mathers deserve more credit than Uncle Al, you'll find a hell of a lot more people have heard of Crowley than them. It's opinion presented as if it were "expert testimony" (and a sneaky swipe at the OTO, IMO), but hardly outright lie, I'd say. Love is the law, love under will. - Christeos Pir ... There is no wine like unto this wine. 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718 From: Michael Aquino Area: Base of Set To: Albert Saperstein 24 Oct 94 07:43:14 Subject: Re: Guns Rec'd UpdReq AS> buffs are missing an essential point: once the Government labels you a AS> "cult", they can do anything they want. That word "cult" is one of the more potent propaganda terms in contemporary society: produces a spasm of fear, distrust, and hatred without the listener's conscious thinking ... much like "communist" in the 50s/60s. 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718 From: Albert Saperstein Area: Base of Set To: Julia Phillips 27 Oct 94 15:58:16 Subject: Freedom UpdReq I consider myself totally accountable for my entire existence and experience. I am, personally, free to do whatever I please. 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718