From: Michael Aquino Area: Base of Set To: Christeos Pir 22 Sep 94 19:19:12 Subject: Re: Say what? UpdReq Oh, brother. 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718 From: Michael Aquino Area: Base of Set To: Princess Helena 23 Sep 94 07:38:42 Subject: Re: Linda Blood Rec'd UpdReq If you would like a copy of my comments concerning the Blood book, just drop a note (with your mailing address) to: Executive Director, Temple of Set, P.O. Box 470307, San Francisco, CA 94147. 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718 From: Dark Star Area: Base of Set To: Christeos Pir 23 Sep 94 09:56:44 Subject: Re: Say what? UpdReq This is a joke, right? Geez! It just gets wilder and more bizarre, this "Constantine" must really lead a dull life to come up with this kind of nonsense! I often wonder how these kinds of people are able to function at all in daily life, they're so mentally unbalanced. Sigh... 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718 From: Dark Star Area: Base of Set To: Princess Helena 23 Sep 94 10:23:04 Subject: Re: Linda Blood Rec'd UpdReq PH> I have just read Ms.Blood's book, and, though my head is still spinning, I PH> feel that it is not worth the paper it is printed on. Ms. Blood offers a PH> rapid fire string of "cases", and leaves the reader with little time to PH> digest or question the information given. She also strikes me, if you PH> all will pardon the expression, as a woman scorned. PH> And no, I am not an apologist for Michael Aquino or anyone else. In PH> fact, I am a Baptist Christian, preparing for the ordained ministry. But PH> frankly, I cannot stomach this sort of yellow journalism, particularly PH> when it will be used to further restrict religious freedom. CAN is well PH> known, even in the Christian community as a bunch of hysterical facists. PH> Anyone who values freedom should oppose their actions. PH> PH> --- Your objective opinion is welcomed and speaks to the fact that, religious beliefs aside, perceptive, thinking persons will be able to see Blood's true motives for writing this book. It's particularly disgusting since Blood was treated courteously during her time in the Temple of Set. She knows full well that we are not the dangerous, sinister people she now tries to portray us as, and is simply being vicious and vindictive. It is interesting to learn of CAN's reputation in the Christian community, and I heartily agree that they and other hate-groups like them are a threat to the religious freedom of all, not just non-Christians. 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718 From: Albert Saperstein Area: Base of Set To: Dark Star 25 Sep 94 19:58:00 Subject: Re: "Constantine" UpdReq You may recall this guy "Constantine" as a Christian apologist from BURNING ASSHO-, uhhhh, BURNING TIMES. Yeah, that was it. BURNING TIMES. Wonder what they're up to? Maybe I'll 'Net over there and roll a Golden Apple into the room. . 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718