From: Delphine Darkmoon Area: Base of Set To: Michael Aquino 8 May 94 08:06:00 Subject: RE: UK Report - "Satanic UpdReq MA>etc. But now that most MA>such attempts have been directed against [non-Satanic] MA>parents, to say nothing MA>of the organized Christian churches, it's but a question of time before the MA>fad is socially squashed. True, in most areas. Still, it's widespread enough that it's going to take a long time before it affects some of the more rural areas (like the one I'm from) and I think a lot of people will suffer in the meantime. Still, the FBI report is immensely encouraging, even if the media has failed to give it adequate coverage. DD ___ X SLMR 2.1a X We all live in a yellow subroutine. 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718