From: Vincent Golightly Area: Base of Set To: Templeton Hyde 13 Aug 92 16:56:48 Subject: Re: homosexuality... Any Comments? Sent UpdReq -=> Quoting Templeton Hyde to Pale Rider <=- TH> so God is in favor of the death penalty for homosexuality? . . . I think Pale Rider is still trying to quit masturbating. A good blow job would probably kill the poor guy! ... 66 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718 From: Vincent Golightly Area: Base of Set To: Pale Rider 13 Aug 92 17:00:58 Subject: Re: Robots for Yahweh Sent UpdReq -=> Quoting Pale Rider to Vincent Golightly <=- VG> PR> This is the reason that I am saying that VG> PR> God never had sex, thus Jesus didn't. VG> VG> What about where it says the Holy Spook "came upon" Mary? PR> PR> You seem to be forgetting that it is the VIRGIN Mary. You PR> are forgetting that she didn't get pregnant by physical means. PR> There is alot that you seem to be leaving out......... A woman can get preggers with her first intercourse. The Spook guy knocked her up. At least Joseph believed her when she told him that. ... 66 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718