From: Pagan Area: THE_OASIS To: All 26 Dec 94 19:04:46 Subject: Pagan Networks UpdReq Hi Everyone, I am looking to start a network for Pagan people and groups who need t contact with other Pagan and New Age groups. I found that when I travel other areas it is hard to make contact with or locate other groups that my intrests. If you are the member of a group or know of a group that is PUBLIC group please feel free to leave me a message in this area so I ca your group to the list. The requirements to be added to the list are as follows: 1. It must be a Public Group. 2. You must have a contact person in that group. 3. I must have a phone number of the contact person for the list. 4. I need a valid mailing address for the group. 5. A note as to what your group is about. This list will be for the Pagan BBS users and I will set it up for fre soon as it is compiled. Sysops can also send me information via netmail these address: FIDO 1:369/31 PODSNET 93:9183/0 GHOSTNET 13:1100/0 NUITNET 666:781/0 MUFONET 88:4205/0 Thanks to all that help..... .....Ron 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718