From: Pat Crumhorn Area: THE_OASIS To: Gerald Del Campo 13 Sep 92 15:02:44 Subject: Re: Re. this election Year Sent UpdReq 93. In a message of 03-Sep-92, Gerald Del Campo wrote: >Yes, Gores' wife is the PMRC bitch from hell, but lets get >our priorities in order here, the environment, health care, >social security, unemployment, education, etc. are more >impoortant to me than buying the albums of people who are >purposely pushing the first amendment rights beyond the >limits. Oh? What limits were those? "Congress shall make NO law..." (emphasis added). To quote a current anti-date-rape slogan, "What part of NO didn't you understand?" 93 93/93 Pat 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718 From: Michael Lee Area: THE_OASIS To: Gerald Del Campo 13 Sep 92 17:08:08 Subject: Re: Fascism U.S.A. Sent UpdReq GDC> What do you mean the American public? There is a butt for every GDC> seat; no matter how bad YOU think something is, GDC> there is sure to be some one in the millions of GDC> people in the USA who likes it. As long as GDC> there is ONE individual who might like it they GDC> should be funded. It's not like the .01 cent GDC> that comes out of our pockets for these funds What we're dealing with is basic economics. It's your standard supply and demand. If there _were_ "millions" of people in the US who liked it, you wouldn't have a problem. The issue we're talking about is when a few individuals _demand_ that their views, tastes, etc. be supported at others expense, with the added insult that the minorites views are not only different, but quite often offensive. If you want the definition of dicatorship, there it is. A few _imposing_ their will on the majority. GDC> A True democracy looks out for the best interest GDC> of the INDIVIDUAL. This "majority rules" shit GDC> is for slaves. Spoken like a true dictator. What you really want to say is that a true democracy looks out for _your_ interest. Everybody else be damned. We're all ignorant, unenlightened, sub-humans, only fit to bow at your exalted throne. 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718 From: Tony Iannotti Area: THE_OASIS To: Gerald Del Campo 13 Sep 92 22:42:20 Subject: Re: Fascism U.S.A. UpdReq In a missive penned Sep 11, 92ev, Gerald Del Campo wrote to Michael Lee from 31:2000/1: >What do you mean the American public? There is a butt for every seat; no >matter how bad YOU think something is, there is sure to be some one in the > millions of people in the USA who likes it. As long as there is ONE >individual who might like it they should be funded. It's not like the .01 I don't think the US can afford to fund everyone whom one person might like. 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718