From: Christeos Pir Area: Metaphysical To: All 2 Apr 94 03:02:30 Subject: What The... #5 UpdReq WHAT THE. . . ? The News You Can't Do Without. No. 5 04/94 e.v. SPECIAL EASTER EDITION THOU SHALT NOT STEAL DEPT. IN A CHURCH BULLETIN, TWO A Louisiana judge has ordered articles appeared side-by- Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, side. The first announced Inc., to pay more than $1.4 that the annual pageant million owed to a company would be the climax of the that supplied them with Lenten season. The second Bibles and other religious announced, "The Bishop is materials never paid for. Coming!" SOME MORE CLIPPINGS FROM A LARGE POSTER DISPLAYED various church and synagog outside London's St. Paul's bulletins, signs, and sermons: Church proclaimed, "Christ is Coming!" Right below it, * "The Church is offering a another sign read, "Please series entitled 'The Church do not obstruct these gates." Explores the Issues.' To- morrow's lecture will be LEST YOU THINK I'VE FORGOT- 'Recycling -- Our Garbage Is ten the legal section, here's A Resource.' There will be a some more interesting stuff potluck dinner." from the lawbooks: * "Tonight's sermon: 'What Is - It's illegal to set fire Hell?' Come early and listen to a mule in Maine. to our choir practice." - Bicycles in Pueblo, Colo- * "Miss Charlene Mason sang 'I rado, must carry gongs. Will Not Pass This Way Again,' giving obvious pleasure to the - In Kentucky, you may not congregation." shoot clay pigeons during the mating season. * "The peace-making meeting scheduled for today has been - Men in Alabama may legally cancelled due to a conflict." discipline their wives with a stick, as long as it's "no * "During the service, Francis larger than the thumb." Bollinger aroused the audience. - In Idaho, you cannot fish * "The priest married John and for trout from the back of a Susan in the Rectum of the giraffe. Church." - And it's a crime to eat * "On the day of his arrival, the peanuts in church in Massa- pontiff is expected to celibate chusetts. mass at Immaculate Conception Cathedral." * "Reverend Hawley was congratu- THAT'S IT FOR THIS MONTH, lated on being able to get his FOLKS. EVEN THOUGH THE RE- parish plastered." SPONSE HAS BEEN UNDER- WHELMING, HERE'S THE INFO * "VINELAND COUPLE TO TAKE ON ONCE AGAIN -- JUST IN CASE MISSIONARY POSITION" SOMEONE GETS MOTIVATED: Send comments or submissions to: * "BISHOP MCNULTEY DIES: 'HAD CLEAR VISION OF WHAT THE CHURCH Christeos Pir 1:109/235.0 or WANTED HIM TO DO.'" ... nor unto the lesser adept, nor unto the greater adept. 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718