From: Christeos Pir Area: Metaphysical To: All 1 Mar 94 04:04:02 Subject: What The. . . UpdReq WHAT THE. . . ? The News You Can't Do Without. No. 4 03/94 e.v. SHORT ON CASH? COULD YOU USE A CALIFORNIA MAN WHO HIT 18 $5000,000? All you have to do VEHICLES and caused a dozen is prove the existence of the injuries in only a two-and- Loch Ness Monster. So far a-half mile stretch of highway, there have been some 4,000 claimed that God had told him alleged sightings, but no he could drive through cars. proof. AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IN CALIFORNIA had to be evacuated STOP, YOU'RE BREAKING MY HEART, after a homemade bomb was PART ONE. A robber in Colorado planted by a 10-year-old boy. picked the wrong restaurant to He said he learned how to make hold up. It was bad enough that explosives by watching tele- the manager grabbed the gun out vision. Meanwhile, a Junior of his hand. It was even worse High teacher was poisoned with that five customers chased him a cup of coffee laced with rat down when he ran away. But the poison. A 9th grader is charged. final insult was when all six of them sat on him until the police arrived. Now he's com- THE WIDOW OF AN OREGON MAN HAS plaining of back pains. Someone gone to court to fight for the bring me a hankie. right to follow his last wish. His will directed that his body " skinned from the head STOP, YOU'RE BREAKING MY HEART, down and tanned for the purpose PART TWO. Police in the city of of face binding volumes of my Chita, Siberia, are upset. Seems verse." When the mortician balk- the cheap rubber nightsticks ed, his widow went to the courts they've been using are defective for help in enforcing the will. and keep breaking at "critical moments." Why don't we just send them some of those Colorado NO COMMENT DEPARTMENT: A Texas restaurant patrons? court has ruled that there's no reason why some woman couldn't name her daughter: SPEAKING OF TAKING THE LAW IN Rhoshandiatellyneshiaunneveshen- YOUR OWN HANDS, some burglars kescianneshaimondrischlyndasacc- got more than they bargained arnaerenquellenendrasamecashaun- for when they broke into a ettethalemeicoleshiwhalhineve'o- French monastery. The armed and nchellecaundenesheaalausondrily- ready monks engaged the bandits nnejeanetrimvranaekuesaundrilyn- in a running gun battle. The nezekeriakenvaunetradevonneyano- robbers eventually got away ndalatarneskcaevontaepreonkeine- -emptyhanded- after one gun- sceellaviavelzadawnefriendsetta- wielding monk was carried away jessicannelesciajoyvaelloydiett- with more than 200 shotgun eyvettesparklenesceaundrieaquen- pellets in his leg. Praise the ttaekatilyaevea'shauwneoraliaev- Lord and pass the ammunition! aekizzieshiyjuanewandaleccianne- renaveitheliapreciousnesceverro- neccaloveiatyronevekacarrionneh- ALONG WITH THE REGISTERED CAN- enriettaescecleonpatrarutheliac- DIDATES in the 1990 elections, harsalynnmeokcamonaeloiesalynne- there were a lot of write-ins; csiannemerciadellesciacustillap- among them were some names you arissalondonveshadenequamonecaa- might recognize. Apparently, lexetiozetiaquaniaenglaundneshi- voters in Montgomery County, afrancethosharomeshaunnehawaine- Maryland, felt that Mickey akowethauandavernellchishankcar- Mouse and Saddam Hussein could linaaddoneillesciachristondrafa- do at least as good a job as the wndrealaotrelleoctavionnemiaria- other candidates. Ballots were sarahtashabnequckagailenaxetesh- also cast for Donald Duck, Bart iataharadaponsadeloriakoentesca- Simpson, Santa Claus, and "None craigneckadellanierstellavonnem- of the above." yiatangoneshiadianacorvettinago- dtawndrashirlenescekilokoneyash- arrontannamyantoniaaquinetteseq- GUESS THAT'S ALL FOR THIS ISSUE. uioadaurilessiaquatandamerceddi- Next month we'll take on the amaebellecescajamesauwneltomeca- churches... don't miss it! polotyoajohnyaetheororadilcyana- koyaanisqatsiuthawuhaiashieakha- uwnne Williams. Try THAT one ten - Christeos Pir times in a row! ... For if thou dost not this with thy will, 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718 From: Khadir Area: Metaphysical To: All 26 Feb 94 05:23:02 Subject: Zelator's UpdReq Zalator's now has all the merchandise for your metaphysical needs: Akashic tapes and CDs, astral travel luggage, channeling booths, crystal toothbrushes tuned to the throat chakra, organic tofu, meditatation pants, past-life karma recycling center, prayer-wheel pencil sharpners, pyramid automobiles, UFO pregnancy test kits and more...Come pay us a visit or E-mail above for directions. Chant our name backwards and a catalog will be in the mail as soon as the vibrations are received. ... ZenCrafters: Total Enlightenment, in about an hour. 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718