From: Phanerothyme Area: Magical Plants To: All 14 Jul 94 09:19:12 Subject: Pharmacotheon UpdReq Can anyone look up a couple of plant items for me in Ott's new book, "Pharmacotheon"? Arundo Donax (Giant Reed) Phragmites Australis (Giant Reed) Nymphaea Ordorata (White Water Lilly) Omphalotus Olearius (Jack O'Lantern Fungus) The entho-botanicals area expands at such a rapid pace that it's hard to keep up. I have heard that Pharmacotheon does not have any info on Desmanthus Leptolobus (Prarie Mimosa), although this is a very potent item. Would appreciate any info on the above, particularly alkaloid quantities and methods of use. 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718