From: The Gnostic Area: Magical Plants To: Mark Krubsack 8 Sep 93 23:55:32 Subject: Toads Sent UpdReq I know of two toads. Bufo Marinus (Marine Toad or Cane Toad) and Bufo Alvarius (Colorado River Toad). I believe both carry bufotoxins containing 5-MEO-DMT. 5-MEO-DMT is a MAO inhibitor and must be used with caution. Certain other foods or chemicals should not be used in conjuction with it. I also believe it is a bit of misinformation about licking them. The large glands on the neck, arms and legs of Bufo Alvarius are milked (sort of like popping a pimple) and a white fluid squirts out. It is best if you use a mirror or piece of glass to catch the fluid. It takes about a match head worth of dried bufotoxin, which should be inhaled all at once. In one hit. You will feel the effects before you can put the pipe down. An extreme body high, slight clammy sweat, slight nausea, slight distortion of space and time, extreme breakdown of ego. Definite feeling of in"toxic"cation. General "trip" lasts about 15 minutes with a peak of 2-3 minutes. An afterglow sometimes last for a few hours up to a few days. Once again, 5-MEO_DMT is not to be taking lightly. Blood pressure can do erratic things if 5-MEO-DMT is combined with certain other drugs or foods. I basically consider bufotoxins the "crack" of psychedelics. But I can say I have "rode the toad". 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718