From: Loki Area: Magical Plants To: Starwyn 9 May 92 07:12:50 Subject: What does MAG_PLANTS mean? UpdReq *** Quoting Starwyn to Doug Preston *** St> *gryn* help me start some topics here, and get this base moving, St> eh? :> What is a magick plant? If we assume that it means, and plant that alters nature (or our perception of nature), in a manor unacknowleged by the majority, then we would have to determine which plants fit that description. The question is, do plants such as Morning Glory, Wood Rose, Hemp, Peyote, Mushrooms, etc. belong in a message base dedicated to magickal plants. I would suggest that they do because they contain substances that definately alter our perception of reality and that our reality is defined by our perception of it. I cosider magick to be a function of our perceived reality and any plant that alters that reality to be, by definition, a magick plant. I spaced, what was this echo supposed to be about originally? 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718 From: Starwyn Area: Magical Plants To: Tomael 9 May 92 12:17:00 Subject: hmmm.. UpdReq TT>Ya made it to Nightshades love. I haven't seen much activity on TT>this echo at all. Well, seems to me that with all the response I have recieved so far and as many people that have recieved this post, we can surely get this base going once again! how about it???? Shall I send the Foad over??? :> Starwyn* 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718 From: The Enchantress Area: Magical Plants To: Starwyn 9 May 92 18:02:00 Subject: Re: hmmm.. UpdReq Hi Starwyn*, Your reaching *TIM'S BOARD* here is good old wet Oregon. Much Happiness, The Enchantress 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718 From: Nancy Ashman Area: Magical Plants To: Starwyn* 9 May 92 18:09:00 Subject: dups UpdReq Starwyn* I'm seeing dups on Tim's Board. I don't Know if it means anything to you but I thought you might like to know. The Enchantress 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718