From: Farrell McGovern Area: MagickNet To: All 6 Dec 96 23:02:28 Subject: Chuck Haynes UpdReq I recieved word today that Chuck has inoperatable brain cancer. The doctors give him, at most, 6 months, on the outside to live. He is suffering from rapidly degrading memory loss, and may never leave the hospital, since the cancer is wrapped around the base of the brain...which might force him to be put on a mechanical breathing system. Any help or energy you can spare should be sent to both Pat and Chuck to help them through this difficult time. If you need more contact info, contact me, and will get it to you. Otherwise, you can contact Pat via netmail, please do so and let her know you care. Blessed Be, Farrell 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718