From: Morpheus Shapiro Area: MagickNet To: Kandilokai Ach Ishte 30 Nov 96 11:56:00 Subject: Astral Temple 2 UpdReq Script #7756 - MagickNet (PODS) Date: 11-27-96 22:27 From: Kandilokai Ach Ishte : #7030 <- . Morpheus>>What U C is not your hands. Even if you open your eyes and look at your hand B4U hyperjump 2 Astral Temple, you won't B able to sustain he photo realism of the image, B cause your hands are more than th appearance. U have many levels of involvement with your hands. My hands begin to glow golden when I look at them. They are more tentacle than hand. But then I'm not that attached to being human anyway ;-) so it doesn't detract from the experience. . Khephera>> Hmmmmm, this hasn't been my experience at all. I agree that it is impossible to hold photo-realism for *anything* on the Astral. Things aren't as deep, rich, or detailed there as they are here- mainly because you don't tend to notice things unless you wish to perceive them. But, the only time my body specifically looks different is when I wish to assume a different form. Rather than my Astral Body looking different, I tend to forget about it altogether sometimes. ;) That's when I'll look down at my astral hands and move them around some to bring it back into focus. : Kandilokai Ach Ishte>>> I am almost the opposite. In looking at myself, and seeing like an earth human, much one that looks like my physical self in the here and now, requires effort. (Not necessarily great effort, but effort that could be better spent on other things while I'm out there) I'm taller, and slenderer than any human would normally be, and my hands only have four digits. (there is no minim on my hands in the astral, and wasting effort to make one appear would only make them clumsy looking to me, as they do to me in the here and now.) Hello : Kandilokai Ach Ishte! When you assend to your astral space, what is it like, and where did you learn to do it? Like you, my hands are amorpheus handing dreams, it takes more effort than it is worth to make them a visible hand, although Kephera uses the image of his hands for deepening the astral experience and I am using the image of my hands, just lately, to try to shift myself to realms that I cannot imagine beforehand-either other's astral dreams, the realm of the ancestors, or where thoughts go after they are created, the malleable regions. To aquire sygils that appear rather than are created-gifts from on high. U NO! --- * Origin: -= The Stage =- Oakland, CA -= (510) 251-2431 =- (93:9710/5) SEEN-BY: 93/0 107/946 215/9393 666/119 1000/1 2630/315 9000/0 1 2 9001/0 SEEN-BY: 9002/0 9004/0 9008/0 9010/0 9030/0 9040/0 9060/0 9070/0 9080/0 4 SEEN-BY: 9081/0 9082/0 9083/0 9084/0 9085/0 9087/0 9088/0 9089/0 9100/0 SEEN-BY: 9200/0 9300/0 9400/0 23 9410/0 9440/0 9600/0 6 9603/0 9605/0 9607/0 SEEN-BY: 9610/0 9620/0 9630/0 9650/0 9670/0 9680/0 9700/0 9710/0 5 6 9711/0 SEEN-BY: 9720/0 9730/0 9740/0 9750/0 9800/0 9900/0 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718