From: Druid Area: MagickNet To: All 14 May 95 21:47:56 Subject: Call of Aid UpdReq From: (Druid) Newsgroups: pod.magicknet Subject: Call of Aid Greetings! I dont know about the rest of you, but after reading a few too many abuse cases in the newspaper I have decided its time to take action. What the law wont do, we can fight for with magick if we will. Im not suggesting that we harm anyone, but I would have all the mages who possibly can attempt to establish a ring of protection around the children. Obviously it would be too much to ask to try and magickally protect an entire country, but perhaps if we started with Houston and put out a call around the nation for others to join in, we could at least make a difference. Bright Blessings upon all 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718