From: Morgana Area: MagickNet To: Blackwolf 28 May 92 12:39:00 Subject: Re: adcda UpdReq -=> POOF! there manifested to Dcdwc from Blackwolf -=> B> whoever you are ... and *if* this is a valid origin off my system, B> B> cease and desist immediately ... only *public* messages are allowed B> here, and should i find out who is posting this, your access to my B> system will immediately and permanently terminated. B> to the other readers of this channel .... my apologies, i try to B> monitor what goes out under my board name, but sometimes things slip B> through. B> bw B> - sysop Black Ice B> funny, I thought it was someone's furry familiar posting Blessings Morgana ... Life has a great deal up its sleeve. 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718 From: Morgana Area: MagickNet To: William Mclaughlin 28 May 92 12:43:00 Subject: Re: Fuck You? You Suck? What UpdReq -=> POOF! there manifested to Mike Pfeiffer from William Mclaughlin -=> WM> For the record, I'm a (non-aligned) Thelemite and have no Christian WM> beliefs, but I'm getting a bit worried by some of the reverse bigotry I WM> see in the Pagan community. If you substitute the word "kike" for WM> Christian in your message, it'd sound like the words of Goebbels WM> himself. ___ WM> X SLMR 2.0 X The Draft: Submission to Slavery Isn't Bravery not ALL pagans are reverse-bigots, but i agree that we often see far too much of it on the echoes...don't give up, the rest of us ARE out here! Blessed Be! Morgana ... Never underestimate the power of human stupidity ... 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718 From: Lord Aslan Area: MagickNet To: Siobhan 24 May 92 19:03:06 Subject: The Power of Thought UpdReq You are definitely correct, Siobahn, if there are enough people or if one person has concentrated enough thought into anything, it IS possible to have it become reality(WOW, what a concept!!). The power of thought is infinite, everlasting and constant as long as there is one creature left to THINK. Sometimes this does get mind-boggling, especially when you start thinking of all the different possibilities for intelligence. Are apes intelligent, what about dolphins or other creatures that are on the earth with us. Then we can get into the realm of E.T. intelligences, people living on other planets. Me personally, I believe in the existance of life on other planets, but we have too many of our own problems, why worry about somewhere else? If they want to cantact us, FINE, I will be more than perfectly willing to learn of their existance and possibly their more extensive knowledge in certain areas. Well, enough rambling, I hope that everything on finals turns out alright, take care and may the Light shine on you forever. Blessed Be, Lord Aslan 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718 From: Lord Aslan Area: MagickNet To: Shadow * Walker 24 May 92 19:16:14 Subject: "Death Adder" UpdReq I know what you mean, Shadow, I was in the Air Force(Air FARCE) for nine years and spent time in Okinawa and the rest of the world. There is a time and place for such language and a BBS isn't either. Hope that finals go good for you. Take care and Blessed Be. Lord Aslan 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718 From: Lord Aslan Area: MagickNet To: Mandy Vivian 24 May 92 19:20:48 Subject: Re: EVIL, Maybe not??? UpdReq Mandy, if we are in Hell, I hope that the Christians are watching all this. I personally don't believe we're in Hell now, but if some of these two-bit, one-horn dictators has his way we may very well be there QUICKLY. Hell is as far as I know a Christian invention. Most other religions refer to it as a realm for the damned. The Nine Hells presided over by Asmodeus and the like or Hades out of Greek mythology. Sometimes though, Myth does have a nasty tendancy to turn into fact. If there is a Hell as far as the Christian mythos goes, I am sure that I will never see it(Praise Cthulu). I absolutely never want to see the Hell out of The Necronomicon. That's positively horrifying, Steven King, Wes Craven and those guys could learn some REAL horror from there. Anyways, take care and Blessed Be. Lord Aslan 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718 From: Maldoror Area: MagickNet To: Farrell Mcgovern 29 May 92 08:21:48 Subject: Re: FUCK YOU? YOU S yeah farrell, please DO be more diligent... pthpthpth! 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718