From: Slayor Area: ENOCHIAN To: Julia Phillips 23 Oct 94 23:18:00 Subject: Rosslyn's Fallen Angel UpdReq I study the waves of history to ascertain the balance of man. The line of the reflection across the "Old World" appears to run from near Alaska SE through Egypt. Egypt, Assyria, and a few other vannished empires were on the line of reflection. Just as the Celts were a warrior people on Free Will based ethics so also are the Thai. Just as the Empire to their South was Predestination oriented so was the Chinese Empire north of Thailand. Along the central belt of the line Hurricanes of blending ethical approach have sent storms across the upper and lower hemispheres. I seek all things. Slayer ----- Ignorence is folly, and knowledge a fools game - but then fools discover life where the wise lack vision. 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718 From: Slayor Area: ENOCHIAN To: Julia Phillips 23 Oct 94 23:26:00 Subject: enochian 101 UpdReq We agree in most aspects of the Circle. my aproach to the circle is also reflective of Native American Ancestry. In the Native languages there is often no past tense or alternately no future tense. Sometimes there are neither. Therefore it is in someways impossible to say SACRED which is past tense. It is instead Sacring, or present progressive. I have coined the word sacring to maintain that flavor in my manifestation. You might find it useful. Also in Hopi, time is neither forward or back but is preserved in degrees of presence. The Hopi designates time the same way we would designate three dimensional space: Here, there, yonder. All of it is cyclic position to the recurrent now. Slayor ----- "What time is it?" said the adept. "Waht time do you want it to be?" asked the mage. 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718 From: Slayor Area: ENOCHIAN To: Josh Norton 23 Oct 94 23:32:00 Subject: 91 parts #10 thotanp 3/3 UpdReq There is no death. The caterpillar emerges from the cacoon to become the butterfly. I understand that the word caterpillar in most native toungues is pronounced 'pay Oh tay.' Such a distinction makes sense if one has ever been initiated, I am told. Slayer ----- Would you kill this rattle snake? asked the headman of the village. Sure, but why won't you? responded the Wasichu. We are forbidden to offend the serpent, but you already have, answered the headman. 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718