From: Chen Area: ENOCHIAN To: Azoth 11 Aug 92 19:48:08 Subject: Abyssal UpdReq C> Just read today in Sardello's book that the Abyss is the C> source of all creative expression in the world. Demons-Daimon. A> I wonder, though, if it's really the Abyss, or our A> collective squirming to be out of it, that's the Prime Mover in A> artistic expression; cracking the Egg, so to speak.... O.K., so Mike Ripple says that Choronzon is the seeming embodiment or conglomerate of all that the heroic-ego-complex has repressed out of the polytheistic personality. These repressed archetypes of the personality come back to us at "death" moments especially-- such as blackouts--and blind-side us; seem to be EVIL. How do we face this evil? How do we move out from the encounter with Choronzon? Ripple is starting to convince me that the way is through artistic imaging. We learn to allow the polytheistic images to exist in their multiplicity. Accept them as they ARE. Ceyzanne said: "The landscape mirrors itself, thinks itself within me... perhaps this is all nonsence, but it seems to me as though I myself were the subjective consciousness of this landscape. But if the artist intrudes, if he dares to interfere in the process of translation, he will only bring his own personal unimportance and insignificance into it... He must silence all voices of prejudice within himself, forget, forget, make silence, be a oerfect echo." David Sardello adds:"Now if one has this outlook and in addition has great talent, then one is an artist, that is to say, a maker of what is real." No wonder to make art feels a bit like dieing (or so I would guess.) No wonder people find the images I make threatening. No wonder it is so hard to remain present in the image and not ruin the experience by trying to insert intellectual translation and analysis. No wonder the monster at the door stops scratching when the brush is in the hand... Well, it's alot to think about, and this is probably all intellectual theory anyway. But maybe it'll give me my rant for october's B.P.'s! LOVE/WILL CHEN 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718