09-06-1987 Sun in Virgo Moon in Pisces THE ENOCHIAN RITUAL OPENING OF THE AIR TABLET: 1. Stand at Altar facing East, announce: PROKOL, PROKOL, PROFANY BALASTY OMPEDA 2. Perform the Enochian Pentagram Banishing Ritual and Hexagram Banishing Ritual. Using either dagger or thumb wand. 3. Go to East of Altar. Pick up Water Chalice. Sprinkle it three times in front of Air Tablet or Sigil, hold above head, and move slowly around the perimeter of room, deosil (clockwise), stopping before each Tablet to sprinkle them and intoning: 4. EMPEH ARSEL GAYOL (EM-PAY-HAY AR-SEL GAH-EE-OHL) VY PRYAZ OMAOAS DE DRYLPY ZUMBY E VYN NONK DS KHYS MYR DE AR KYKLE. (VEE PAY-REE-AH-ZOAD OO-MAH-AH-ESS DAY DAH-REE-LAH-PAH ZOAD-OO-MEE-BEE AY VEE-NOO NOH-NOO-KEE DAH-ESS KAH-HEES MEE-RAY DAY AH-RAY KEE-KAH-LAY) 5. Return to East. Replace Water Chalice and take Fire Wand. Then starting in the East, wave the wand three times in front of Air Tablet or Sigil, hold above head and circumambulate deosil, stopping before each Tablet or Sigil to wave the wand and intoning: 6. OD MYKMA, NONKF URAN MALPRYG PYRYPSAX ANANAEL. SOLPETH PRYAZ BYA PRGEL. (OH-DAH MEE-KAH-MAH, NOH-NOO-KEEF OO-RAH-NOO MAH-LAH-PEE-AR-GEE PEE-REE-PAY-SAHX AH-NAH-NAH-EL. SOH-LAH-PAY-TAY-HAY PAY-REE-AH-ZOAD BEE-AH PAY-RAY-GAY-LAH) 7. Upon returning to the East, replace Fire Wand and take Air Dagger. Then using dagger, strike Air in front of Tablet three times. Make a circle, with Invoking Air Pentagram within it, with sign of Aquarius for Air Kerub in center, and intone: 8. ORO YBAH AOZPY (EH-ROH EE-BAH-HAY AH-OH-ZOAD-PEE) VY PRYAZ OMAOAS ZONKON E VYN NONK DS CHYS GYGYPAH DE AR KYKLE. (VEE PAY-REE-AH-ZOAD OO-MAH-AH-ESS ZOAD-OH-NOO-GOH NOO AY VEE-NOO NOH-NOO-KEE DAH-ESS KAH-HEES GEE-GEE-PAH-HAY DAY AH-RAY KEE-KAH-LAY)