POLITICAL REFORMS Reprinted From the Winter Solstice 1989 EV Will and Word 1. That the Constitutional Protections given to printed matter be extended to the media of film, radio, videos, computer information dissemination, and media that are evolving even as we speak. The FCC, for example, will have most of its teeth pulled and no longer be entitled to grant or withhold licenses. 2. All citizens of any country to have absolutely unhindered ability to cross national boundaries. 3. Repeal of all legislation limiting the creation and sale of drugs, although not repeal of laws penalizing idiots who misuse their right to fiddle with their chemical consciousness by driving wasted etc. 4. Repeal all sexual laws of any kind with the exception of those that protect children. 5. Begin a gradual phasing out of much of Welfare, first for the rich, then for the poor. (First we want no more scandals such as the S & L bailouts, then lets worry about those poor suckers whose mental, financial and social evolution have been twisted by institutionalized handouts.) 6. If there is one word that sums up our platform it is: Decentralize. Research and implement alternative energy sources rather than continue to be at the mercy of the multinationals. Balkanize the Superpowers if it comes to that! Pivotal to the implementation of decentralization is to place technology in the hands of as many people as possible. 7. The Educational systems in the United States of America grow progressively worse. New methods, new frames of reference and assumptions are needed for our entire educational system. This is not optional. This is not idealistic or even particularly gentle. It is not even what everybody wants. It is however a matter of survival. 8. The language we speak needs to be overhauled. The language labs are laying the foundations for this. 9. The Revolution needs to be Sexual, Economic, Political, Religous. New archetypes are needed in all these areas. 10. The next step of the human species is into the environment of space, and other planets. We are working to establish a society where this will be seen as a high priority goal. Zed the Impaler SEX IS PEACE TRUE WILL NOT SLAVERY CONSCIOUSNESS IS STRENGTH What are WE, oh so right-thinking ecologically minded people d