- ---------- Astronomy & Astrology Programs -----------------
astr-50.arj  working version of astr50
astr5doc.arc (doc for above) Adopted By X-List
astro.arc    ASTR3.1, by David Rice
sr.arc       Solar Returns
natal-31.arc OnLine Charts for Sysops
astrol95.arc ShareWare Astrology with Graphic Wheel
astro400.arc Astrology From New Haven - Does Arabic Parts
astrolog.arc Yet another astro program in basic!
heavens.zoo  Astronomical Views. Star & Planet Maps.
- ---------------------------------------------------
- -----------Bibliomancy-----------------------------
agape'.arj   Aleister Crowley's "the Book of the Laaw"  93!!
- ------------Tarot -------------------------------
tarot.arc    Tarot Program -- does Celtic spread
tarot        An excellent program that does an exellent self
                        read. Macintosh, and therefore UnTested!
-------------Various Texts, etc.
meditati.c64 find the inner you
hypnosis.arc (description??) Adopted By X-List
natal.lzh    Online Charts for BBS's
progress.lzh Progressions, by David Rice
abacus10.arc Calculator & Mistry of Acient China. Nice & Fun!
startup.arc  tells EVERYTHING about the date
gc.arc       GeoChron -- Global Time
gc.doc       Docs for above
simcga.arc   Simulate CGA on Herc
simcga.doc   Docs for above
- ---------Charts Run by Opus Deii --------------------------
2.cht        Chart run 03-29-1992 For Tony Iannotti
3.cht        Chart run 03-29-1992 For Tony Iannotti
4.cht        Chart run 03-29-1992
5.cht        Chart run 03-31-1992
6.cht        Chart run 03-31-1992
7.cht        Chart run 04-02-1992
8.cht        Chart run 04-07-1992
9.cht        Chart run 04-12-1992
10.cht       Chart run 05-04-1992
tarot.arj    tarot reader havent tested it
geo.arj      nice shareware geomancy program
ts.arj       ts...very potent
entool10.arj Enochian Gematria and Name Extraction Tools
2.cht Chart run 09-08-1993 at 23:04:47
natal.arj    Adopted by Condescending Angel, possibly ARJ of ZIP
progress.arj Adopted by Condescending Angel, possibly ARJ of ZIP
files.dat    Adopted by Condescending Angel, possibly ARJ of ZIP
files.dmp    Adopted by Condescending Angel, possibly ARJ of ZIP
files.idx    Adopted by Condescending Angel, possibly ARJ of ZIP