POINTS OF LIGHT 928 EAST FIFTH STREET VOLUME V #10 Brooklyn, New York 11230-2116 (718) 438-4878 Copyright 1992 by: Temple of the Eternal Light An "Omni-Denominational" Religious Fellowship _____________________________________________________ WELCOME ALL READERS. POINTS OF LIGHT is the monthly newsletter of TEMPLE OF THE ETERNAL LIGHT. It is an open forum for anyone to send in articles, poetry, short, short, stories, advertising or anything else. It has blossomed into a cornucopia of fact, or fantasy relating to modern magickal living, spiritual growth and a network linking all members of our human family by a chain of fellowship. With wishes for Love and L.V.X. Rt. Rev. Jerome Peartree, Publisher Rev. Karen DePolito, Editor ****************************************************************** OPEN INVITATION TO ALL This event is open to both members and non-members. Please call a day in advance and let us know you are coming. SATURDAY, December 19, 1992 at 8:00 P.M. YULE SABBAT CELEBRATION Kindly bring some food and drink! Donation: $1.00(optional) ****************************************************************** HYMN TO THE SUN by Random Replacement How the sunlight trickles through the trees the canopy of our lord the sun who even here is conquering still; and the dewdrops congeal and fall and stroke his hair; that he still be reminded of the Love. Oh sun, my sun! Come to me in thy shining splendor! Come to me in thy radiant majesty! Come to me as a care-free sunflower that rocks in the cradle of the wind's caress; even as I remember from my youth. Come to me, o sun, my sun, in all thy triumphant joy. In thy light is all hope, in thy joy are all things possible, in thy love am I made myself. Shine, o my sun, Shine. Thy light endureth through all eternity... ............................................................................. BEGIN by Paul Meyers All is beginning, for in each beginning is the purity that is ever beginning. That is to say that the power of origination whereby all created is actuated, lives throughout the spectrum of unfolding, which gives off the effect of time. To sustain what is, is to discover it freshly at every spiral of its kinetics, and the functions implicit in this are synonymous with great divinities. Thus, the LOVE GODDESS, whose astrological representation is Venus, is the erotic power whose originality is the utter faithfulness to HER innate self-discovery thorough whatever moment SHE finds HERSELF in. In other words, we find ourselves by losing ourselves in the completeness of the present, which intimates a childhood ideal of boundless play. The LOVE GODDESS is a sponge who secretes and absorbs the waters of consciousness. The waters of the world shall heal the world in their flowing. In their flooding they shall sustain justice in the world. In their clearness they shall reflect the simplicity of truth. The very notion of all this intensity intimates a union between that which is ever original, and the passions it must inspire by reflection; this intimation is spontaneously recognized as a CONSORT for the LOVE GODDESS. Which is to introduce the GOD THAT BEGINS, astrologically represented by Mercury. The synergy between THEM issues a thriving creativity that is known as the CREATVITY GOD, represented in astrology as Jupiter. Whereas the GOD THAT BEGINS is pure action, the CREATVITY GOD is tempered action for the sake of fulfilling artistic vision, and the LOVE GODDESS binds in HERSELF the interplay of these TWO. Tarotwise, this may be shown by having the High Priestess (who as the source and force of that LAW called eros is the secretive LOVE GODDESS) in the middle between the Fool (GOD THAT BEGINS) and the Magician (GOD OF CREATIVITY). I suspect too, that the LOVE GODDESS' self-discovery overflowing into manifestation, gives birth to the GOD/DESS OF DISCOVERY through exploit and wanderlust, which is a more outward directed way of sustaining the enchantment of origin, whereby it is found at the horizon's edge. LOVE GODDESS GOD THAT BEGINS CREATIVITY GOD DISCOVERY GOD Osun Elegba Obatala Agayu/Sango Yemoja Oya (breath of love) Ma'at Heru p khrat Tahuti Mut RA Rhiannon Peredur Myrddin Cerridwen Taliesin ............................................................................. TO ALL OUR FRIENDS ON THIS YULE BLESSED BE!