The RPSTOVAL Review A Publication of RPSTOVAL Oasis and LVX Camp,Ordo Templi Orientis ISSUE NUMBER 5 OCT/NOV 1991 E.V. PRICE: $1.50 US ***************************************************************** Ask Not What The New Aeon Can Do For You... ...But what you can do for the New Aeon!!! By Frater S.L.Q. The signs are everywhere around us: we are living in the dawn of a new aeon in human existence. The fall of the Berlin Wall, the gradual dismantling of Apartheid, and the breakup of the Soviet Union are but a few of the most obvious signs of a trend toward freedom and enlightenment. There is certainly much more to be done before we reach an acceptable level of liberty throughout the world, but progress seems to be marching on inexorably toward this goal. These are very exciting times to live in as we observe and participate in the events which will rewrite history and change the destiny of the planet forever. As members of the Ordo Templi Orientis, we have a special connection with this New Aeon. Our advantage lies in the fact that we are attuned to the changes now occurring, and we recognize their nature as that of progress. We owe this perspective to our prophet Aleister Crowley, who foretold the coming of these changes as fundamental maturations of human consciousness. By studying the Book of the Law (and thereby becoming centers of pestilence) we obtain that little-known "occult" knowledge which allows us to understand the direction in which the cosmos is now steadily moving, characterized as "the Aeon of Horus". Armed with this understanding it is easy for us to interpret the events of the world in terms of human progress and thus readily adapt to them while our contemporaries continue to flounder in strife and conflict. Resistance to change is a basic human characteristic. As the forces of the New Aeon become more and more manifest, opposition to its changes will continue to mount as people and institutions who have invested heavily in the Old Aeon struggle to hold on to the relics of their past. Many examples indicate that one's dedication to a cause increases as its existence becomes more threatened. This is why we are seeing a backlash of political and religious fury against such progressive strides as abortion rights, sex education, and freedom of artistic expression, to name only a few. We can expect the continued increase of censorship and oppression especially here in America, where the fortunes of the individuals in power are heavily dependent on the preservation of the socioeconomic status quo. But we must not forget that these adjustments are an inevitable and necessary step in the process of establishing the Aeon of Horus. This is not to say that we should stand aside and allow these abuses to continue unchecked. We must defend ourselves against infringements by oppressive fanatics, for each of us has the right to do our will unhindered. But we would be foolish to think that we can undertake the offensive against all of the established Old Aeon bastions by ourselves. The Aeon of Horus is steadily taking hold at its own pace. It will eventually prevail, regardless of what steps we take or do not take along the way. But the character of its progress is evolutionary, rather than revolutionary. Many generations will pass before Thelemic ideals are realized as the standard for society, and probably none of us will live long enough to see that standard wholly fulfilled. Nevertheless, our role in establishing the Aeon of Horus is often misunderstood. The O.T.O. is not a religion, nor does it dictate any particular religious affiliation to its members. Our aim is not to convert people to our own highly specific point of view and fill our ranks to take over the world. Instead, we are appointed to act as the "Magickal Link" between the Thelemic current of the Aeon and the rest of humanity. Our task takes place mainly behind the scenes, as stated by the Book of the Law: "Let my servants be few & secret: they shall rule the many & the known." (AL: I.10). Therefore, it is not necessary for us to expend all our energies in missionary efforts to make as many Thelemites as we can. Instead, we must fortify our core by attracting only those people who are truly aligned with our Law, while maintaining our priority of performing the more subtle work demanded of us in adapting humanity to the New Aeon. I tend to see our main duties as threefold: First of all, we must each strive to live the Law of Thelema by discovering our True Will and doing it only, for "thou hast no right but to do thy will." (AL: I.42) The most important battle lines between the Aeons are drawn within our own minds. The very first enemies we have to conquer are those restrictions left over from our upbringing in the Old Aeon. Once we are following our own Will we are in a position to teach others; not by words, but by the example of our own lives. Even if we fail to convince anyone else, at least we have succeeded in advancing ourselves. And by advancing ourselves, we are advancing humanity, since every single enlightened mind contributes to the evolution of the species as a whole. Another sacred duty is to have children and teach them as best you can. Even if you don't have children of your own, there are many opportunities in daily life to demonstrate Thelemic principles. A lengthy sermon will certainly fall on deaf ears, but a few words of common sense will be readily accepted by an innocent child. Our second duty is to defend ourselves against oppression. Defense is the key word here, since mounting an offensive will often rally opposing forces which are too great to conquer and cause us to end up in a weaker position. Remember, we are as yet only young children amongst the grandads of established religion and government. But we do have the right to exist and flourish, so we must allow no compromise in self-defense through the courts or the press or whatever means are best. We may also greatly add to our strength by extending our efforts to protect those who are allied with our cause but not necessarily brethren of the Order. We cannot expect to do the most good by restricting our efforts to the affairs of our own tiny organization. There are plenty of worthy causes which are Thelemic even if they don't regard themselves as such. Groups such as the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, Amnesty International, Greenpeace, and the pro-choice movement are all doing important work in establishing the Aeon and would benefit greatly from donations of time, money, and effort. The reader is encouraged to research and support those causes according to his or her Will. Finally, our third task is to attract and educate those members of the general public who have a genuine interest in our order and its workings. We are by no means the only form of Thelemic organization on the planet; there are many other groups which do not share in our specific mythos but which do tremendous work to advance what we would call Thelemic causes. Nevertheless, there are still many individuals out there whose constitution makes them particularly suited to our environment -- those who are interested in the occult and attracted by magick, but have so far failed to find affiliation. We must make ourselves available to all those who are waiting to come out of the Old Aeon closet. Thus united, we will be strongest as a core of individuals dedicated to the fulfillment of the Law of Thelema and the establishment of the Aeon of Horus for all of humanity. ***************************************************************** The Spirit Of '93 Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. For the last few years I have been moved by a relentless energy that cries out for freedom and justice. I speculated that this was the aftermath of initiation; that the ones I underwent had taken hold. The fact is that for a few years I have felt like a prisoner; and it comes as no surprise when these same feelings are expressed by other OTO members. But lately I have noticed that these feelings aren't confined just to Order members. It seems that the populace is starting to grasp the concepts expressed by Thelema. Evolution is taking place. Being the curious creature that I have become, I have tried to find a logical explanation to this phenomenon. If it is occurring there must be some trace of the underlying energy behind it which could be explored or attributed to the occurrence. One day, while reading an article written by an Oregonian astrologer it hit me right between the eyes. It seems possible that people are starting to respond to a planetary alignment between Uranus and Neptune which is due to reach its peak in 1993. Yes, 93. This natural phenomenon takes place approximately every 171 years, and is marked by some form of revolution. We saw a similar arrangement in the 60's, when Uranus and Pluto brought about an urgent demand for change. Protests and upheaval were present everywhere. This conjunction brought about the need for individuality which gave birth to the "me" generation, which fell short of the idealism most were looking for. In contrast to the alignment mentioned above, Uranus and Neptune meet in Capricorn, which will accent on the collective consciousness, so that the individual will be able to recognize their part in the whole. We have seen the actions from those sensitive individuals in Poland, Germany, USSR, etc., who are already responding to the effects of this union. If this conjunction is, in fact, the culprit then we can look for a global awareness of environmental issues. Also, I think we will probably see South Africa liberated. Hunger could become a thing of the past, and people will seek to find their proper place and purpose within the rest of Creation. Different countries could come together in efforts to improve global conditions as their citizens cry out for justice. But, of course, I could be wrong. Love is the law, love under will. Secundus Kerub ***************************************************************** Permanence By Frater Ride Si Sapis Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Life chews us and grinds us in its vicious maw. A lifetime we see, in our abiding "I". Treadmilling after an unspecified "Why?" Asleep, the masses somnambulate onward. Sirens? Polyphemus? Ancient songs unheard. Dine we under the same moon that lit Eve's night, Grow 'neath the same sun that first blinded God's sight; Primum Mobile: is permanence a lie? All this is fleeting, even the stars must die. In the empty nothing of the Cosmos vast, In our isolate moment, future and past Find purpose for life? A reference, I must; A taint in the mold on a mere grain of dust. All that We sense is that which We created, Permanence implied; loved, unknown, or hated, Matters little. See as you were meant to See And nought but Abyss shall dry thy tears of glee. Struggling from past into future Man unties Reason's knot: nations and gods are at best lies. In Existence hope and freedom lead us still; It is thus: Love is the Law, Love under Will! ***************************************************************** BOOK REVIEW Golden Dawn Enochian Magic by Pat Zalewski (Llewellyn Publications, 1991) Well, I always figured that if someone attempted to cram all of the information pertaining to Golden Dawn Enochian Magick in one book it would be the biggest piece of New Age crap on the bookstore shelves. And it might have been, if anyone else would have done it. Unlike previous authors who have attempted the same task, Pat Zalewski explains the material from a practical point of view, and clarifies in great detail the mechanics involved without the superstitious rhetoric which seems to follow this doctrine. Practically written, Golden Dawn Enochian Magick is a thorough and scholarly look into a much talked about, but little understood subject. There is something in this book for everybody. The historian types will enjoy it for its in-depth historical data. The curious types will be pleased by the way it thoroughly explains the methods of use. The experienced magician will savor the text as an "enochian encyclopedia" to be used as a reference for many years. In short, anyone interested in Magick will see this book as one of the most valuable, informative texts available on the market today. If you want to understand the Enochian system, buy it. Reviewed by Secundus Kerub ***************************************************************** Liberate Kuwait From Whom? By Secundus Kerub If it is true that people are judged according to the friends they keep, we are in big trouble. Take for example His Highness Sheik Jabbar al-Sabah, the Emir of Kuwait. Middle East experts had warned us against making judgments or interfering in this conflict due to the fact that the Arab mentality is so different from that of the Western mind. Let's look at the behavior that the Western mind (or at least mine) is not likely to understand. As soon as the Emir got wind of the antagonistic Iraqi troop movements this guy just split. That right, he didn't even take the time to warn his own army, who would also desert their country. He abandoned his own people let others risk their lives for him. While in the comfort of his air conditioned room in the Sheraton Hotel in the resort city of Taif, Saudi Arabia, the Emir courageously pledged: "We will not spare any amount of value. We have to liberate Kuwait". It cost the United States $42,500,000 and much grief. All this while our soldiers risked their lives to keep this dictator in power. You see, Kuwaiti citizens have a neat little existence: they are supported by the state. Their labor force (about 80% of it) is provided by slave labor of Iraqi, Egyptian, Saudi Arabian, and Iranian citizens. This is the democracy we fought to reinstate. Women can't vote, and in 1986 this dictator canned freedom of the press and assigned a censor to every editor. Forget about freedom of speech; 22 people were convicted to 15 years in prison for belonging to a prohibited group which publicly spoke against the Emir. In a 1990 report Amnesty International stated that people are incarcerated, tortured and held without trial, sometimes for many years. It comes as no surprise that only a few of Kuwait's citizens showed up to welcome him home. While his people fought for stale bread, went without medical care, electricity or fresh water, the Emir had the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers working like mules to recondition his $600,000,000 Bayan Palace, one of four. Crystal chandeliers, imported silks, satin sheets, and gold plated toilet fixtures were shipped in before the first delivery of emergency food rations. With all of this in mind, it is not hard to see Bush's motives for entering into the war; it certainly was not for freedom. It seems to me that the only difference between the Emir and Sadam is oil. I wonder who's side our fearless leader would have taken if Kuwait had been the aggressor and Iraq had been oil rich? ***************************************************************** ECOTIP Composting No Work Method If you live in an apartment and would like to contribute to the environment or take care of your plants by using compost, you might find the following very handy if you lack the space or the time. 1) Get a plastic bucket with a lid and put about 2 inches of wet shredded paper or straw at the bottom. 2) Add some kitchen waste to the bucket. 3) Go to a fishing or bait store and pick up a portion of "night crawlers". These are the red worms used for fishing bait. They are capable of eating their own weight of scraps daily. 4) Put the worms into the bucket and keep the bucket in a cool, shady place, such as a porch or balcony, with the lid sitting loosely over the top. Don't worry, they won't crawl out. In a few weeks you will have rich, sweet smelling, dark compost for your plants. As your bucket fills up, simply remove the worms and place them into the new composting bucket. ***************************************************************** The Stele Working The folks at Coph Nia Oasis, under the direction of its Master, Vandimir, have been working on this project for quite some time. Once I found out about the undertaking, and the results of the experiment I thought it necessary to let you know about what an incredible task they had undertaken. It began in 1985, while Grady was still with us as Supreme and Holy King. The Order was prepared to go to court with Motta. It started with a request from Frater Emet that Frater Vandimir ask one of the Enochian Angels for a talisman to assist the Order in the upcoming court case. They went to the Air tablet, Fire Angel, the square DXGZ. The spirit refused to interfere, saying that it was already preordained that the Order should win, and that any disturbance could only muck things up. He pointed out that even though we saw the court action as a big deal, in the long view, it was only one small event in the chain of necessary events that would lead us to the acquisition of the Stele of Revealing! Well, this came as a surprise as the they were unaware of anything involving the Stele at the time. The Spirit ranted and raved at length about how marvelous and powerful the Stele was. It said that in about 20-30 years, all the various O.T.O.'s worldwide would unite, and whoever had the Stele in their hands would be on top. This unification behind the Stele would give us great power. We don't fully realize its power because it's not in our possession as yet. He mentioned that the "Rich Man from the West", as mentioned in Liber AL would be integral in the acquisition. Then entered the crux of the problem. They asked if the Rich Man was alive at the time, to which the Angel replied "yes", but was unaware of his destiny at the time. Six years later, still working with Enochian, they went back to DXGZ. He was a bit miffed that they had not done anything about getting the Stele. He said the Rich Man was still asleep at the switch, and needed a little nudge to get him going. Without telling them who he was, he implied that he was hovering on the edge of joining the O.T.O. DXGZ suggested that Vandimir and his crew should write an invocation in an attempt to wake up the image of the Stele within the members of the Order. The group awakening is expected to launch the Rich Man on to fulfill his destiny and ours. The Spirit said only the Magick can draw the Stele to us. It cannot be bought at any price. The Stele can only be given by a job well done. It can only be given to the victorious. The following is the invocation written by Vandimir: Invocation of the Energies of the Stele of Revealing Great God Hadit, Lord of the Heavens, hear me! Ra-Hoor-Khuit, Master of the Gods, I address thee! I am ********, prophet and priest of the Gods, I am he who speaks truth, and lives in the Moon. I bring thee offerings that sustain life, Oh thou Lord of Life and Light. I am Ankh-f-n-khonsu thy prophet, Priest of the Gods, and worshiper of Nuit. I speak as a living voice crying from a dead body, therefore I speak the truth when I say: I adore thee and invoke thee, Great God Ra-Hoor-Khuit! Oh thou Omnipotent One, whose image is revered among the Gods, Aid me in my quest! Oh thou who shine forth in the brilliant light from thy golden throne of awful power, Awaken the St le of Revealing within me! Oh thou who opens the sacred pathways for the passage of Spirit, Light, and Matter, Bring the St le to power within us! I am as one dead, Oh Great God of Resurrect, Lord of life and death, and life in the hereafter. I implore thee to open my eyes so that I may wake and see myself truly among the eternal Gods. I am prepared, Oh Brilliant One! I have formulated the secret doorways to the thrones of Ra, of Tum, of Hathor, and of Khephra. I am the child of thy children, prophet and priest of the Gods, I invoke thee, Ra-Hoor-Khuit! I stand before thee, awaiting thy touch, O Brilliant One! Oh Opener of the eyes, I invoke thee! Oh Opener of the doors of life after death, and eternal life among the Gods, I invoke thee! Receive me into thy company, Oh Ra-Hoor-Khuit, God among Gods! I invoke thee! Invoked by Ankh-f-n-khonsu to aid in his passage into the light, now I invoke thee! Speak on my behalf before the Great Lord of the West. I Invoke! Crown me as master of the Earth and all its elements. I invoke! Surround me with the minions of life and light and the Gods. I invoke! Open my eyes, Oh Great God Ra-Hoor-Khuit! Let me see myself in truth in the company of eternal Gods! I invoke! Oh Great St le of Revealing, what shall you reveal to me? Creation of the self-slain Priest, reveal thyself unto me! Great and Mighty St le of Revealing, Awake! Come unto me, Come here, Come now! I invoke thee!!! ***************************************************************** SHIT LIST SHIT LIST SHIT LIST SHIT LIST The greedy businessman never ceases to amaze me. This time we set our sights on one of the most environmentally damaging industries in the world today: Plastic Manufacturing. In its efforts to restore its environment, the state of Maine has put a ban on six-pack rings. Lobbyists for the plastic trade contend that the threat to wildlife from plastic connectors is overstated and will try to convince the legislature that they should remain legal. We are aware of the economic setbacks some of these companies will experience if other states adopt the ban, but there are alternative, environmentally friendly materials which these companies could switch to if they were willing to take responsibility for their habitat. The excuse that the industry will have to go out of business is as absurd as the logger who believes it is okay to cause the extinction of the Spotted Owl as long as he doesn't have to learn anything more mentally demanding than cutting trees. The idea that we should clean up a dying planet while they continue to screw it up is like sharing an apartment with a filthy slob who refuses to clean up after himself knowing that eventually your inability to live in such disgusting surroundings will drive you to clean it. What makes this much worse is the fact that we don't share an apartment, and we can't simply move away. Perhaps all states will get together and follow Ashland and Portland Oregon's examples of eliminating all styrofoam containers from the shelves and mandating curb-side recycling. The plastic manufactures attempted to take these two cities to court, but lost. Today, you can shop in Ashland and find the same products by the same manufacturers, with the only difference being that the products come in cardboard, biodegradable containers. Write letters to your governors, congressmen and congresswomen reminding them of Maine and Oregon, and ask them to follow the same example in your state or community. "If the people lead, the leaders will follow". ***************************************************************** The Last Dragon by Amare Obscuritas In the land of Oz lived a great Wizard named Albert Creemshaw. He was loved by everyone, and became quite popular when he destroyed the Last Dragon in a great battle between the forces of oppression and the powers of Freedom. When the villagers heard that the monster had been killed they rushed the mountain side where the Dragon had its nest and proceeded to break the eggs; thereby insuring the destruction of the creatures forever. What they did not know, was that Albert had snuck one of the eggs out before the villagers got there. He cared for it in his Castle and through his great magical ability he was able to genetically alter the dragon fetus so that it would soon be the watcher of the people; a symbol of freedom and great strength. But he kept this a secret from the people because they were not ready yet for the trial which awaited them; they would just have ganged up and tried to kill the Little Dragon. He became a Hermit and loved the little creature. One day the Wizard received a message from his God that he would have to move on, and release his body the way that a butterfly sheds its cocoon. So Albert called for the Council of The Sword and Shield, a ruling body of his most trusted students, and told them about the little dragon. At first they were repulsed by the idea of bringing up the offspring of the object of their misery; but the Magician persuaded them by telling them that the little dragon would soon be the symbol of freedom and strength: they swore by the Warrior Gods they would care for it. The following evening, while the Full Moon shined on the peaceful waters of Oz, Albert and his God left forever. Upon finding their Master dead, the Council released the information about the Little Dragon to the people of Oz. The people of Oz loved Albert as much as he loved them, and after they saw how fragile this poor orphaned creature was they decided amongst themselves that they would honor those raising the little dragon, for the dragon would represent all of the things Albert himself stood for. Things went well, for a while. The favoritism displayed by the people of Oz towards the Priests and Priestesses that cared for the Dragon created turmoil: all of the sudden there were power struggles within the Council, its members were fighting over who would supervise the education of the Little Dragon, who would feed it, who would educate it. They set up rules specifically designed to make it impossible for others to reach the grades appropriate to caring for the Dragon so that only a few on top could reap the benefits associated with caring for the Little Dragon. One would say: "I have risked my life and given all so that the little dragon could have food", and his ego was pleased. The other would say: "While you first despised the dragon I stood fast in my duty to care for it, for I have kept my word", and her ego was satisfied. The people were so impressed by the "devotion and selflessness" of The Council that certain members were given gifts of silver, gold, spices, and women. Treated as Gods for their sense of duty. Everyone at The Council became so preoccupied with the power struggle, and with keeping their peers in lower positions that they forgot about the little, fragile Dragon. When they finally gained their senses, and returned to the Castle where it was guarded they found it dead, starved from attention and sustenance. They then realized that empty, lost feeling Albert himself would have felt, if HE had killed the Last Dragon. ***************************************************************** FOOD SECTION Brazilian Rice by Soror Alice An easy dish to make for parties, rites, or for an after initiation feast. You'll need: 3 cups of cooked white rice 1/2 cup melted margarine 4 beaten eggs 1 lb. grated sharp cheddar cheese 1 tablespoon chopped onion 2 teaspoons salt 1 cup of milk 1 package frozen chopped spinach; cooked and drained. 1 tablespoon worcestershire sauce 1/4 teaspoon of thyme Mix all of the ingredients and bake in a glass baking dish for 35 to 45 minutes. That's all there is to it! ***************************************************************** THE THELEMIC CONSUMER Long Distance Alternative We have come across an alternative to long distance service offered by a company called Working Assets, whose mission is to contribute to causes of civil liberties and protecting the environment. They have successfully raised over a million dollars in the last five years for such groups as Amnesty International, Rainforest Action Network, Fund for a Free South Africa, ACLU, and Planned Parenthood with the proceeds from their VISA card. Now they offer a Long Distance service with all the benefits of other companies such as AT&T, Sprint, and MCI, including 100% fiber optic lines, 24-hour operators, free calling cards, direct dialing, and low rates, with the added advantage of contributing 1% of your phone bill charges to groups such as the ones above. In addition, the Working Assets phone bill (printed on recycled paper) includes news regarding important issues such as consumer boycotts and bills currently before congress, and includes check- off options to send a CitizenGram to your senator or representative regarding these issues. Besides increasing monetary aid to worthy causes, if more people switch to this service we would be sending a clear message to other corporations indicating that we feel these issues are important, and we are willing to use our consumer choices and buying power to back them. Working Assets is currently giving away 30 minutes of free long distance when you sign up. To switch to Working Assets Long Distance, call 1-800-788-8588. ***************************************************************** PHANTOM FANTASY The Frozen Rotunda By RB Phantom Frozen Rotunda! I don't know what those words mean but they sound like they should go with ice cream and cake. Like the image of nature suddenly transposed into an image of dessert. A little hot fudge sunday town. Banana shaped houses nestled in the natural calorie filled mountains of Mother Earth. It was deep winter. The ice gleamed like a fine crystal dish that surrounded the rocky road cold strawberry hamlet. Heavy snow, swirling like whipped cream, smooshed down upon the red berry colored buildings. Some of the flakes of the thick billowy snow, as big and as round as maraschino cherries. The thatched roofs of the houses, their shingles like dark chocolate chunks, lapping up the whipped snow and turning it into a tasty sugary syrup as it melted into the thick dark tiles. Ah! the heat from the roofs giving memories of hot fudge in the making, MMMMmmmmmmm!! The big fat city hall, its creamy colored stone up to its pillars, in double dipped hues of French Vanilla. The entire town, with its cake like cottages, covered in snowy whipped cream and gleaming with frozen flaky filled maraschino cherries lay tastily before my eyes. And although the weather was vicious - it was downright delicious! Children were running all over the town with spoons. Laughing and giggling and lapping up the dripping goodies. The adults were coming out of their houses, bundled up and sneezing and some of them were shocked to see the kids laughing and grinning because all that the adults saw was snow! "What are you gawking at?" one grouchy ole codger asked a happy young child. "Gee, mister, can't you see it, it's snowing whipped cream and cherries!" The old fart pulled up his collar and mumbled under his breath. "Kids today, I don't know where they get those hogbrained ideas. Whipped cream and cherries! Hogwash!" And then he trodded like an old mule all the way to his office, for he was the Mayor of this Sunday town. The Hamlet of Goodiesville, located in the after dinner mountains of Calorie county U.S.A. A place where the wise and the truly foolish - never go hungry! ***************************************************************** Here are some names and addresses of some people which we at The RPSTOVAL Review hope you will contact. Whether it be Nuclear Arms Reduction, the Homeless, Human Rights, Environmental Concerns, or the Savings and Loan Scandals, we'd like to remind you that you can make a difference. Let 'em know how you feel. President President George Bush The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 US Secretary of Agriculture Secretary Edward Madigan Department of Agriculture 14th & Independence Avenue SW Washington, DC 20250 US Secretary of the Interior Secretary Manuel Lujan Interior Building, Room 6151 19th and C Streets NW Washington DC 20240 Head of the World Bank Mr. Barber J. Conable Jr., President World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington, DC 20433 (P.S. Don't forget to register to vote!) ********************************END******************************