CHAPTER THIRTY-NINE FACTS ABOUT THE WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC. 1917 A.D ;tab2lr Population of the United States 196,343,277 White Slavers (male) 85,671,242 ditto (female) 146,221,849 ditto (sexless) 196,343,277 Dope Fiends (all sexes) 621,387,551 Crooked politicians 91,729,984 Grafting policemen 112,478,236 Men higher up 38,211,719 Women spiders 29,322,963 Satyrs 84,716,437 Victims of lust 1,491,624,588 Sob-sisters .606 Clear-cut red-blooded straight-living young men 462-891-468 ditto including the President 462-891-469 Mrs. Wilson 1 Annual profits of White Slave Trust $998,444,591,876,212,641,982.45 and a plugged nickel. Tons of Chloroform used annually to stifle victims 611,343,528,941 Value of candy used annually for administering dope (average of 5 years) $711,812,369,745,382,118.16 ditto ditto chewing gum $949,984,759,892,776,538.35 ;endtab Pithy Points for Pornographers. If the limousines used for kidnapping virgins were put in a straight line, it would extend from the Knickerbocker Hotel to Arcturus. Mr. Lloyd George was awakened recently by the roar of the British barrage at Messina, a distance of 140 miles. If the shrieks of the chloroformed victims of lust in one week were simultaneous, he could hear them too -- a distance of over 3000 miles. Yesterday, housewreckers broke into a cellar in the Bronx; they could not find a single body of a `Ripper' victim. The unique event will be celebrated by a parade of the United Body-Snatchers. Every man, woman, and child in the United States consumes daily, on an average, fourteen and a half times his own weight in heroin. The late Stanford White is said to have ruined 12,642 angel children in five months, when at the height of his career. Evelyn Thaw and Lilian Russell are almost the only virgins left in the United States, if we exclude Vaudeville and cabaret performers. All others who may be proved medically to be virgins, must, according to a leading judge, be degenerates. The american woman is the purest in the world. The American man is a clean-cut, straight-living, red-blooded intellectual hero, a satyr who lives only to drag pure women to his hell of lust, the too easy dupe of the vile empresses of vice who throng every street. Any American woman loses her virtue if she drinks a cocktail. The cocktails used for seduction in one night in the Tenderloin, if collected, would raise the level of the Ocean by eight feet and five inches. Respectable looking old ladies are always procuresses. The action of the pure, high-minded, self-sacrificing, heroic, beautiful, fearless, dainty, pious, well-bred, chic, bully, dandy, American woman journalist has stamped all vice out of every corner of the country. Extra-marital intercourse is absolutely unknown from Maine to Texas. It only remains to tread upon the loathsome practice of intra-marital intercourse with a firm hand; it is the serpent in the Eden of Marriage. The birth-rate must be increased some thirty-fold and some sixtyfold and some an hundredfold; America needs workers. I really cannot imagine why Sir Roger Bloxam declined this fascinating field of labour.