THE NUREMBERG TRIALS OF CENTURY 21 by R.A. Alba, CACHE Executive Director Communities and Congregations for the Human Environment (CACHE) is an affiliate of Global Electronic Networks: News & Information Services (GENIS). It serves the Americas as a volunteer clearing house and information center for the World Wildlife Fund Network on Ethics and Education, and the World Wildlife Fund Network on Conservation and Religion. CACHE is concerned with ERTHE: the Ethical Relationship of Theologies and Technologies to Habitat Earth. In pursuit of greater awareness of the responsibilities involved in planetary stewardship, CACHE proposes that the American Bar Association submit an informational report and recommendation with reference to the United States National Report on the Environment at the annual meeting this coming August. We urge the American Bar Association to recommend in its report that a policy statement be submitted to Working Group III, establishing a legal precedent for the recognition of ecological atrocities as Crimes Against Humanity and the applicability of Nuremberg Principles to prosecuting corporate officials responsible for despoiling the environment. The fact that irresponsible and malicious behavior has routinely been allowed to vandalize the common heritage of mankind with impunity -- indeed, to threaten the biological foundations upon which all life on Earth depends -- is itself indicative that the ecological crisis constitutes a breakdown of the international legal process. Sanctions instituted under a global equivalent of our federal and state RICO (Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organizations) laws may constitute the most satisfactory immediate remedy. In addition, the training and empowerment of a new category of multidisciplinary professionals charged with the task of functioning as Coordinating Environmental/Ethics Ombudspersons (CE/EOs) could help institutionalize a life-affirming paradigm for how business will be conducted in the twenty-first century. The Nuremberg Principles enunciate strict international prohibitions covering both commission and complicity in Crimes Against Humanity. These standards remain in force regardless of whether an act is permitted under national law, has been ordered by a superior, or has been committed by a person having institutional authority or political sovereignity. Atrocities and offenses that constitute inhumane acts against any civilian population are specifically cited as subject to punishment under international law. Even in wartime, plunder of private or public property, wanton destruction and devastation not justified by military necessity are expressly banned. Group conspiracy in such acts is criminalized, as well as individual complicity. These principles were unanimously affirmed by the United Nations General Assembly and have been an accepted component of United States law for over four and a half decades. CACHE urges that Nuremberg criteria be recognized as applying to the actions of corporate executives and politicians who are proven responsible for the devastation of lives in the pursuit of profit, as surely as they have been applied to such actions when performed in the name of military expediency. A civilization gone berserk with the quest for short-term economic gain threatens to bring about an ecological holocaust on a scale unparalleled in all the sordid history of human malfeasance. Many of its leaders have become blatantly meritricious in their lust to exploit our earthly surroundings without regard to the sustainability of a viable habitat for our fellow species or even our own. The cost to humanity is written high upon the polluted walls of the heavens and punctuated by the holes in the stratosphere that once cradled this planet in its gentle, protective embrace. The case for "The Nuremberg Trials of Century 21" is advanced on behalf of our future grand-children and god-children struggling to survive on tomorrow's desecrated planet. Underlying all of our human freedoms is the mother root of all rights: the integrity of life itself. It is this basic foundation of existence that is now at stake. Can it be that after reviewing the statistics and extrapolations of the last twenty years we would not muster the only non-violent intervention our politically creative responsibility and common religious concern for Creation arms us with? All around us, we see the piracy and squandering of irreplaceable resources. We confront the visible and inhalable fact of global pollution, and the equally palpable apathy that walls off public awareness of the lack of satisfactory action by governments everywhere. This complacency runs parallel to and is comparable with the historical record of past genocides against races and religions. By undermining the life support systems of the biosphere itself, the next genocidal outrage threatens the entire human race with extermination. Will we claim that we knew nothing of this when our descendants demand an explanation of our inaction? In view of the widespread failure of the legislative machinery for enacting & enforcing prevention of wanton environmental damage and preventable catastrophic deaths, the international legal community has a moral imperative to back its universal bills of rights with the compelling force of international law. A precious opportunity exists to call this matter to the attention of the international judicial community. On May 17, the American Bar Association will hold its twentieth annual Conference on the Environment. The main topic of discussion is an examination of the role of law in the forthcoming United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. UNCED 1992 will constitute an influential forum where public interest organizations could propose new mechanisms to enforce international agreements. It should be noted that almost every governmental and non-governmental organization in the entire world is determined to have its input considered by the UNCED. For example, the International Council of Scientific Unions is meeting to draw up an agenda for science. The formulation of a policy statement by the ABA would focus the forces of world law and order on the need to extrapolate the ethical concerns voiced by the trials at Nuremberg to the planetary crises at hand. The ABA could take on a leading role by providing the international legal community with the necessary body of theory for addressing these controversies. It would introduce a powerful legal deterrent on behalf of future generations, at a time when it is urgently needed. The magistrates of world law are called upon by CACHE to reform the Industrial Age's policy of selling "indulgences" to rapacious multinational corporations, and to stop granting what amount to "royal charters" to other people's once- sustainable habitats. Following in a familiar historical pattern, the newly-made machine age monarchs have been backed by freshly minted banking barons who freely hand out "legal" licenses to their favorites, much as the queens of Spain and England once did with their own. The bankers have paved the way for a new breed of multinational privateers to plunder the environment for immediate return on investment ventures, yielding immense -- and, often, immorally gotten -- profits for a few at the expense of all who co-inhabit this fragile planet. At the same time, they have undermined the genetic diversity foundations of emerging industries based upon biotechnology, which hold the promise of sustained wealth creation and prosperity for all. With no questions asked and no quarter given, they have contrived a one-way economic harvesting of other people's seedcorn, the exhausting of the world's food chains, the extinction of medicinally and materially irreplaceable storehouses of endangered flora and fauna. They have looted resources and devastated a priceless heritage rightfully belonging to our children and those of all future centuries. There are no more castles and moats, forts or frontiers to hole up in or to mum behind and hope to fend off the attack. The "invasion" now takes the form of climatic change on a scale so vast that, like the Emperor's new clothes, we are at first given to believe on blind faith alone that it seems highly unlikely that Mother Earth has been disrobed and is about to be raped and our home plundered. The shocking fact is that these electronically resourceful barbarians are not merely at the gate -- they are already in the bedroom! The enemy is well ensconced within every nation's bulwarks. This collusion against Creation itself has been contrived by powerful individuals as well as multinational corporations, many of them more powerful than the average country, as often as not with the connivance of the highest ranking leaders of state-regulated industries and members of government. The despoilers have become dominant over Earth's resources through a technological totalitarianism that disregards the most basic needs of their fellow humans, Earth's other creatures and the unforgiving fragile web of life itself. The protective thin gaseous ozone layer that enables the growth of our daily bread has already been catastrophically breached. The damage has unwisely been allowed to accumulate, and unjustly left for our children to worry about repairing during the century ahead. Earth may soon be rendered permanently unsafe for future human occupancy. Every (soon to be destroyed) culture and every (never to be redeemed) people of the globe should be making ready to expel that pathological cancer from Earth's body and steer the future of this world away from the ecological apocalypse that looms over human destiny. Through "inviting debate" at the level of the world's heads of state, America's most prestigious body of legal professionals can make known their expert opinion on what is both an issue of duty and law. Under these circumstances, as a matter of justice grounded upon the fundamental right of species survival, it is their constitutionally crucial mandate to call for a timely judicial intervention. CACHE-concerned-with-the-ERTHE's proposal suggests that America's unique experience with RICO is the legal means at hand for meeting this challenge. RICO has been fully field-tested in the United States. It has the potential to serve as the foundation document for an official convention of world-class jurists to refine an international legal technology for enactment and enforcement of timely global emergency measures. CACHE-ERTHE asks America's world class jurists and scholars to put aside their preoccupations and band together in common concern for the long-term survival of Creation. Our situation requires meaningful United Nations' treaties -- delivering teeth, not lip service -- with sanctions enforced in an effective manner by the highest international tribunals. Saddam Hussein is clearly indictable as a particularly offensive example of this new breed of global terrorists. He, above all others in past history, has pushed -- if not the nuclear button, which he surely would have if he could -- the lever that unleashed an eco-catastrophe equivalent to the effects of the Hiroshima bombing. As such, without reservation, the civilized world must indict Saddam Hussein by every available legal means. America has a unique and highly workable legal instrument for dealing with such violators; initially federal, now adapted into many of the states. It would seem expedient to expand that American concept of RICO from the national into the international arena, and use it to bring Saddam Hussein to justice. The Association of the Bar of the City of New York, in concert with the judges of the courts of New York City, should act now to endorse CACHE-ERTHE's initiative before the American Bar Association's annual meeting this August 12-14 in Atlanta, Georgia. Endorsement through a policy statement inviting debate and reformation by the global law and order community would entail emphasizing a need for the passage of long-range, worldwide "environmental bills of rights." It would portray the appropriate use of RICO-like treaties and compelling sanctions as a crucial responsibility and the duty of world leaders. An ad hoc committee should be formed by members of the ABA's House of Delegates to present this novel legal theory at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) scheduled for June 1-12, 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. UNCED will be the largest gathering in history of heads of state under an "Earth Summit" global forum. An ABA policy statement would proclaim to the world's leaders that America's legal experts are of the opinion that unconscionable profiteering which jeopardizes the global community's future survival must be restrained by an international standard providing for legal intervention. That standard must provide the harshest possible criminal sanctions, and most plausibly humbling civil sanctions against those who jeopardize the sustainability of life on Earth. Furthermore, in addition to swift intervention aimed at forestalling the imminent threat already cited, there is also a need to formalize the institutions of a new paradigm for global commerce; one that will assure long-term ecological security as a guiding principle of standard business practice. To this end, CACHE-ERTHE proposes to train, under United Nations University auspices, an international body of civil servants acting as Coordinating Environmental/Ethics Ombudspersons. These officers would be assigned to advise and assist the Board of Directors of multinational corporations in complying with their ecological responsibilities. The CE/EO would routinely report to the board on a monthly basis and have immediate access on an emergency basis. Annual impact statements would henceforth be issued detailing the cost/benefit projections of proposed corporate policies that would incur liabilities to the global community. Those persons responsible for setting policy would always be advised of the civil costs of restoring environmental damage, as well as the criminal penalties that would accrue from causing irreparable harm. No longer could it be claimed that they did not know. The CE/EO would operate within the constraints of professional confidentiality regarding proprietary information. He or she would be directly answerable to, and dischargeable by, the Board of Directors. However, the cause for any such discharge would be promptly investigated, in the interests of maintaining the office as a paragon of incorruptibility, armored against both internal politics and external pressures. Obviously, the highest discretion -- on a par with that demanded from top-ranking diplomats -- is inherently part of the calling to such a profession. Institutionally, the position would be a cross between a tenured academic and an international civil servant. Conceptually, we hope to ordain the Coordinating Environmental/Ethics Ombudspersons as philosopher-guardians of ecological wisdom, intended to function as priestly-gardeners of a thriving global estate. Such innovations might yet stay future generations from cursing today's world leaders as the despised perpetrators of their misery. We will surely be judged by those who come after us according to how we respond to this emergency and what remedies we undertake now on their behalf. If we continue upon our present course, our surviving grand- and god-children of the 21st century will surely be out to "serve papers" on our graves. (That is, if acid rain hasn't eaten away our headstones by then!) Perhaps the time is ripe to stage "The Nuremberg Trials of the 21st Century" today, as a mock class action suit envisioned on behalf of our descendants. And will we not all -- especially those who, as legal professionals, have the sworn duty to abide the truth and uphold the law -- be justifiably indictable as accomplices to the few ecologically genocidal and ultimately suicidal "socio-pathetic" members of our species who now enjoy a destructive hegemony over the future of this world? Our creative resonance with having both the noblest range of compassion and the vilest range of cruelty of any species brings us to the crossroads of what can only be a futuristic trial of faith, in facing the species transmogrifying evolutionary metamorphosis that will unfold during the new millenium. Will we choose to continue in the direction stretching from Genghis Khan to Adolf Hitler to Saddam Hussein, terminating as barbarian cyborgs? Or will we decide to follow in the footsteps of Einstein's fundamental faith in freedom, harmoniously armed with the gentle strength of Gandhi's belief in the ultimate power of a universal reverence for life? For legal professionals to take a strong stand on this issue is both a duty and an honor. Indeed, by doing so, they might simultaneously be reversing their nomination for an environmental "Ignoble Prize" earned by their role thus far as power-brokers of global pollution. Redeemed by deeds as well as words, they would establish a new category of secular sainthood who those, as heads of state, pledge themselves and their people to become stewards of the "ERTHE" forevermore. s to present this novel legal theory at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Devel