The Order of Saint Michael The Order of Saint Michael, founded 20 January 1989, is a secular Christian order oriented toward self knowledge and spiritual growth, including clergy as well as lay members. It is sacramental and liturgical in orientation, but non-dogmatic and non-denominational. The Order is not intended as a substitute for an individual's affiliation with any institutional church, but as an adjunct to and enrichment of his or her understanding of the Creative Force. Members seek a mystical expression of Christianity in its universal or catholic sense, bringing the rich traditions of the past into a form meaningful for men and women on the brink of the twenty-first century. The Order of Saint Michael offers those living in the world an opportunity to experience the support of a like-minded community in developing a personal, mystically oriented spiritual life without necessitating a break with family or worldly ties. Members aspire to the traditional Benedictine vows of Stability, seen as a personal commitment to the path the individual has chosen to follow; Conversion of Life, which is the constant turning of the individual to God, and to follow the "gnosis cardias," that intuitive knowledge that comes from the heart, as made known by the Holy Spirit; and Obedience, from the Latin root root "audire," to hear, which means to listen and hear with the ears of the heart and to respond eagerly to the will of God as it becomes known in one's daily life. In a general sense, it is obedience to the foundation of a committed Christian life. Within a basic Trinitarian framework, we recognize both the masculine and feminine aspects of Deity. Hence, we seek to reflect a balance of these polarities in our liturgies and devotions, incorporating reinterpretations of familiar Christian sources with restorations of previously "lost" or "hidden" Christian traditions. In particular, we associate the Divine Feminine with the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, Divine Wisdom, the Ruach that brooded upon the face of the waters in the beginning and brought forth life. We acknowledge the sacrament of the Christian Eucharist as a most powerful reflection of the Eternal Sacrifice but not necessarily the only one. We believe that every man and woman must find the most appropriate individual expression of his or her relationship with the Creative Force, but we also recognize the value of shared community worship and common devotional practices performed in unity of spirit and intention, even if separated by time and space. The patron saint of the Order is the holy Archangel Michael who, as Prince of Heaven and commander of the Legions of Light, embodies the ideals of chivalry and service to the Light. In addition, the Order holds a particular devotion to Our Lady, and commends its members and work to her especial protection and favor. For further information, contact: Rev. Nancy C. Hanger, OSM, Almoner 23 Hunting Rd. Auburn,NH,03032 Compuserve: 74000,2366 GEnie: N.HANGER1 Internet: 74000.2366@COMPUSERVE.COM