Message #12816 - Metaphysical (Magicknet) Date : 06-May-88 19:44 From : Hugh Read To : All Subject : The Pentagram ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @EID:01a6 10a69d92 @ I invoke Ancient Powers of The Star The Powers of Five The Spiral Powers The Powers of Earth I invoke the Ancient Powers of Life Star in the Circle In the Iron Circle Quaint, ancient symbol So ancient, primordial and timeless Dark symbol of life On planets bearing life Deep in DNA Deeply branded in the Heart of our Earth Touchstone of Wisdom Of Ancient Knowledge, NOW, Living in the stars I call out through the Circled Iron Star For my Star Power Out through the Galaxies Claiming Dark Powers --- ZMailO 1.10 - Delta I (Opus/FTS001) * Origin: Dragonfriend's Point(1:104/11.5)