Message #12844 - Metaphysical (Magicknet) Date : 28-Oct-90 22:17 From : Lucy Simmons To : All Subject : Xianity As A Cult 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @EID:6f65 155cb229 @ 4- One sect of Christianity, the Roman Catholic Church, actually LOCKS UP young girls (and older women) and forbids them contact with the world, forbids them marriage, and tells them it is a "sin" to think of men in a sexual manner, and that they will "burn in 'hell' " if they do so. Such single-sex, enforced groupings of people (similar to secular prisons) are always hotbeds of deviant behaviour. The same sect forbids marriage to its priests, and thereby perhaps encourages the many, many DOCUMENTED cases of its priests molesting young boys. One of its major past leaders (called "Apostles"), Saul of Tarsus, aka "Saint Paul," was known for his hatred of women, and he seems to be the major theoretician of many of the "Fundamentalist" sects of the cult. Can it be that Christianity actually * encourages * homosexuality, while preaching the opposite? 5- One sect, the "Jehovah's Witnesses," refuses allegiance to their country! They will not salute the flag, nor will they serve in the Armed Forces! The "Social Gospel," a take-from-the-rich propaganda pitch, is preached all over Third World nations, subverting their governments! Can it be that Christianity encourages the "One World" viewpoint of certain radical political groups? 6- The sexual behaviour of its leaders has been well documented, from "Popes" (the leader of the Roman Catholic sect) to Aimee Semple Macpherson, to Jimmy Swaggert. One wonders about such leaders being placed in positions of command over our young people. How many innocents have been defiled by such persons? One wonders! 7- In the Middle Ages, priests actually said "Masses" to impose death spells on humans. Is such ritual being practiced today? We will probably never know, because secrecy in such groups would be assumed as * very * tight. As so many law-enforcement officers seem to be Christian, and many of the European governments are enthralled by this cult, we will probably * never * be able to find out the truth of this. --- * Origin: (Opus 1:114/29)