Message #4433 - Magicknet Date : 11-Oct-90 08:59 From : Lewis Cypher To : All Subject : La Outlaws Animal Sacrifice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @EID:73c4 154b4760 From United Press: Los Angeles: . The City Councel voted this week to outlaw animal sacrifice, making Los Angeles the first city in the nation to ban ritualistic slaughter under any circumstances. The council voted 10 to 1 to enact the ordinance, making such killings punishable by up to six months in jail and a fine of $1,000. Dissenting was Councilman Robert Farrell, who has argued that such a law would restrict religious freedom. He said in many immigrant communities, animal sacrifice is "an expression of people's faith," particularly by those who practice Santeria, a form of Caribbean voodoo mixing Catholic and African rituals. As many as 300 animal sacrifices have occured in Los Angeles during the past year. Most involved dogs and cats, many of which were stolen pets that are often returned to their owners' lawns after being beheaded or disemboweled. The city's department of Animal Regulation recieves hundreds of complaints each year about animal sacrifices, but department officials believe hundreds more go unreported. A large number of killings have been linked to satanic cult practices in addition to the Santarea groups. (END) Comment: e The LA City councel, reacting to profiteering so called 'experts' on the occult who do not know their ass from a deep hole in the ground, have now institutionalized a myth that animal mutilation and killing is a necessary part of Satanism. Because of the reverance for individual consciousness that true Satanists hold, such sacrifices have never been, and are not currently, part of Satanic activity. Such hysteria campaines which have the effect of getting such laws passed, are an obvious thrust by Christian Fundi groups to build antisatanist myths, to ultimately to begin persecuting minority religions such as Satanism,Santarea,and Wicca.. It is especially frightening when you consider that the sum total of all these killings in LA could have been done by one person or small group of people. Remember the Maine! Please also note that the ordinance is not directed at vandals who kidnap and murder people's pets, but is religiously orientated. Many so called satanic cults are just teenagers bent on sick thrills. This ordinance is the kind of thing we must all appose by education and votes. It could happen to your community now that the precident is set. --- * Origin: ThelemaNet San Francisco * (415) 751-9308 (Opus 1:161/93)