THE MYCENEAEN MYSTERIES A Neo-Pagan Alternative Belief System (C) 1989 By Joseph W. Teller * Free to Distribute & Copy in its Entirety For Non-Commercial Use* This collection of works represent a large amount of my own personal research into Neo-Paganism, Philosophy, Magic, Ritual, Archaeology and History and is placed within the public domain to be distributed, printed, and utilized within the Religious concepts herein freely by all who might be willing to accept the beliefs it contains and the information presented without its commercialization or sale by anyone for a cost more than the cost of the media it is presented on (AKA no more than the cost of its printing or transferal by computer media). It is a work of love and sincerity, not of greed or inter-dependancy. If you like it and can afford to do so, please write me at the following address, or call me via computer modem at the BBS Data phone line listed and tell me so (and also any questions or suggestions you might have to improve the work). IF you really appreciate it and can afford it, then mail me a personal check or money order for whatever you feel my efforts have been worth to you so that I might survive the present harsh economic times and be able to continue my efforts (I ask for this gift only because my present life is one of poverty caused by my ignorance of the 'mundane' worlds' economy). If you are a commercial publisher of Esoteric or religious books and pamplets and wish to publish any or all of this work (except in the format of a review column) please contact me for permission. I will be mainly interested in the context the work will appear in, wether it will be reaching the people who need it etc. I maintain strict control for such to prevent its being maligned or twisted to commercial greed. Joseph Teller, 40 Allen Rd., Billerica, MA 01821 DATA 508-663-6220 As I stated, this is the result of a labor of Love - if you are reading this with thinking of exploiting it for personal gain financially then you had best find some other path, as you will find that any such effort will probably fail. If you are looking to gain in personal power over others or to manipulate the Universe to serve your own personal wants over all others or to hold in your hands a lot of fancy special effects or harmful abilities you are going to be very disappointed. If you are looking to join a formal Church, recognized by the goverment for tax purposes or other legal loopholes, you won't find this belief system of interest. It is not yet a recognized belief system by legal authorities, and unless someone else is interested in going thru the motions needed for this sort of work it will not be so registered. I feel that a need for this sort of goverment regulation and infringement on First Admendment Rights is obnoxious and obviously unConstitutional. But if you are looking for a belief structure, built upon the Paganism of the Greek Mainland and Isles of the Mycenaean Era, a path of personal growth and enlightenment that is pantheistic and polytheistic based in history and revised for Todays World, one that seeks to work with Nature and not against it while still allowing internalized as well as externalized growth in life, then maybe this work will help you to develop your personal path with the tools and ideas I have forged within these pages.