ORGANIZATION & STRUCTURE ------------------------ Freedom of Choice is vital to all Neo-Pagan beliefs, and this is true to this path of religious endeavor as to any other. I am not a guru nor have I been bestowed with hundreds of years of a tradition, this course is my interpetation of the information that was available and is subject to revisement by myself, others and you. You are most important in choosing your own path - no one should choose which gods you are to worship, which celebrations you will participate in and which ones you will not. You have the freedom you were born with, given to you by the gods and goddesses forged from dozens of pantheons and concepts. No one has the right to force you to conform to their beliefs and live it as your own. What I have presented herein is an outline, no more, the rest will be up to you. I do ask that if you accept my own basic structure and use my belief's name(s) that you do so accepting the rules I have used so that none will accuse me of teaching falsely or to associate my beliefs with an activity, ritual, concept or belief that are not mine. I do not ask for any comformaty beyond what I have written here, but I do ask not to be misquoted or my beliefs misrepresented to others. I have looked at the internal structures of many organizations and belief systems, both those recognized by the goverment, those seeking recognition and those who wish nothing to do with legal status. From these I have forged the structure, titling and the concepts that follow, enclosed with my own research and beliefs. Each group of practitioners who work together, a group being at least two people, on a regular basis form for themselves a Damos (the greek word for 'commune' or 'village' or 'community'). Each Damos choses by its own means (by vote, discussion, choice of founding, experience, age, whatever) a individual who shall be the Wanax (greek for 'leader'). The Wanax is responsible for the teaching of those new to the Damos the ways of the path and the ways of their own Damos. THe Wanax does not hold position by fear or heredity - it is a position of trust, and if a Wanax betrays that trust then the Wanax should be removed from that position by the Damos members. The Wanax is also responsible for keeping a record of the Damos' activities, it can be hadnwritten, typed or even computer recorded. This record should track each gathering of the Damos to ritual, teach, discuss finances or celebrate. Also to be recorded here are matters of dispute and discussion within the Damos, births, deaths, joinings and initiations. It should be brought to each gathering of the Damos and may be read by any member of the Damos. Each Wanax is responsible for seeing that their Damos sits down and somehow develops a name for their Damos, and it is by this name that they will be known to other Damosi. It is suggested that Greek names or ones related to the places they choose to name sacred or to the local Native American Indian names be used (We, as members of the Myceneaen belief must realize the rights of the natives of the lands we presently live in and also respect and honor their gods, godesses and local nature spirits and beliefs, for like the original Myceneaens we accept the validity of local deities as much as our own, some being our own known by other names and some being local powers like the dozens of river gods and nature spirits found in ancient Greece). If a name is not to be in Greek or in line with a Native American group then it should in some way reflect the nature of the people involved and their own goals together. Names, preferably, should not be more than ten words in length and not less than two. At the end of each name shall be added the word Damos, to identify it as a part of the Laos. For the present I have chosen to act as the Basileus of the 'organization', that is I wish to be a personage who will be the arbitrator (if requested by all sides) in disputes between any two or more Wanaxi or Damosi dealing with the material in my structure or in a gathering of Damosi. I will also, for the moment, hold the position of a communications point between any of the further spread Damosi. I hold this position only until we have someone who can serve better for either position and who is willing to take on the duties - the position holds no true power over other Wanaxi or the greater Damosi unless they choose to have me arbitrate. This position I will hold no longer than ten years, and preferably much less. Once a hundred Wanax are established they will have the power, by a majority decision, to decide when to replace the Basileus and with who (the who must be willing to take the office). I also ask that all Wanaxi record their record of activities (which we will call, for lack of better terminology your Damosi's Book of Records) in photocopy, ASCII text file or to be Handwritten/typed/carboned and pass this duplicate on to me to keep and utilize for communicating with all the members of the Laos (the people, in greek) of the Mycenaea faith, either within newsletters, computer files or whatever - based on the needs of each individual of the faith. This is a matter of choice of the Wanax personally, if they feel they need secrecy for some reason that is their choice and they may choose not to send such to me. I am not in a position of power in this path, simply a guide for part of the way and then it is upto your own selves to decide where you will go dealing with the path, your Wanax, your damos and your lifecycles. Many of the ancient titles and positions within Mycenae are no longer of great import in todays society, but might one day become of import. The E-qe-tai (ee-kay-tie) were the liason between the temples and the military, I suggest that this be a position given by each Wanax to a member of their Damos when they feel the need for someone to act as a Liason between the Damos and any other Damos, a messenger of sorts between groups, and also to serve as such if the group comes into contact with the press or other public media. This position need not be a pernament one, and several may be bestowed this title at one time if more than one series of liasons are necessary. The Ko-Re-te (kowe-ray-tay) were military commanders within a Damos, we have no need of such at present, unless the Wanax of a group choses that members of their Damos should learn a martial art or weapon skill for personal growth - then the Ko-Re-te will be the title given to a teacher within the group (You should not expect members of your Damos to be taught in such things by a person outside the Laos, nor can teaching be forced or required, only requested or suggested). The Lawagetas was in ancient times the 'Leader of the Host', a military leader for a collection of the Laos from more than one Damos for a particular purpose. Obviously this is not a needed position within our present structure. The Pa-si-re-u was the official responsible within a Damos responsible for the bronze smiths, again a title I cannot see the need to restore (If anyone is skilled at this art and wishes to offer it as a teaching to members of your Damos, then grant them the ttitle). The klawiphoroi were the keybearers, always female, of the temple. Since our temples, shrines, groves and altars will be most likely within other buildings or outside and there is no plan to purchase buildings at present for this purpose (for we are a poor folk) this title will remain amoung the unused. Each individual of the Laos, including those not of a Damos, may consider themselves Mycenaean Priests and Priestesses as long as they choose to follow this path of Neo-Paganism. There are no paian (non-clerical followers), though there may be members of other faiths present at a ritual, celebration or gathering - so long as they are willing to accept the rules of hospitality. Due to legalities, children are brought into ritiual rarely - they are not yet on this path and should not be forced upon it like some religions do. We must not make the mistakes that many mainstream religions have before. They can be present at an open celebration, but should not be brought into ritual until they are old enough to understand the beliefs and concepts, say not before their 16th birthday (this will be an arbitrary choice between the Wanax and the parents). Finances are the choice of the to deal with, and wether they will handle the finances of the Damos or have a seperate person appointed treasurer or choose to keep no finances for the group but run the group as a 'donate anything but money' operation. I would like to hear from the Wanaxi on how they are handling their finances and the operations herein, especially any who set up their Damos as a physical communal household or farm site.