zoodoc.txt Doc file for the ZOO - download this first.
adder.txt [1]Adder.
ant.txt Ant.
ape.txt Ape.
asp.txt Asp.
ass.txt Ass.
bat.txt Bat.
bear.txt Bear.
bee.txt Bee.
beetle.txt Beetle.
behemoth.txt Possibly the hippopotamus.
bird.txt Generic listing - birds.
bittern.txt Bittern.
bull.txt Bull.
bullock.txt Bullock.
calf.txt Calf.
camel.txt Camel.
canker.txt Cankerworm.
caterpil.txt Caterpiller.
cattle.txt Generic listing - cattle.
chamel.txt Chameleon - large lizard.
chamois.txt Chamois - gazelle.
chicken.txt Chicken.
cocka.txt Cockatrice - poisonous snake.
colt.txt Colt.
coney.txt Coney.
cormornt.txt Cormorant - Possibly the pelican.
cow.txt Cow.
crane.txt Crane.
cuckow.txt Cuckow - gull.
deer.txt Deer.
dog.txt [1]Dog.
dove.txt Dove.
dragonnt.txt Dragon - New Testament - serpent.
dragonot.txt Dragon - Old Testament - snake.
eagle.txt Eagle.
ewe.txt Ewe.
ferret.txt Ferret.
fish.txt Generic listing - fish.
flea.txt Flea.
fly.txt Fly.
foal.txt Foal.
fowl.txt Fowl.
fox.txt Fox.
glede.txt Glede - Vulture.
gnat.txt Gnat.
goat.txt Goat.
grasshop.txt Grasshopper.
greyh.txt Greyhound.
hare.txt Hare.
hart.txt Hart.
hawk.txt Hawk.
heifer.txt Heifer.
hen.txt Hen.
heron.txt Heron - Possibly the parrot.
hind.txt Hind - a female deer.
hornet.txt Hornet.
horse.txt Horse.
horselch.txt Horseleach - a leech.
kid.txt Kid.
kine.txt Kine.
kite.txt Kite.
lamb.txt Lamb.
lapwing.txt Lapwing - grouse.
leopard.txt Leopard.
leviath.txt Leviathan - Large sea creature.
lice.txt Lice.
lion.txt Lion.
lizard.txt Lizard.
locust.txt Locust.
mice.txt Mice.
mole.txt Mole.
moth.txt Moth.
mouse.txt Mouse.
mule.txt Mule.
ospray.txt Ospray.
ossifr.txt Ossifrage - type of eagle.
ostrich.txt Ostrich.
owl.txt Owl.
oxen.txt Oxen.
palmer.txt Palmerworm.
partridg.txt Partridge.
peacock.txt Peacock.
pelican.txt Pelican.
pigeon.txt Pigeon.
pygarg.txt Possibly an antelope.
quail.txt Quail.
ram.txt Ram.
raven.txt Raven.
roe.txt Roe.
roebuck.txt Roebuck.
satyr.txt Possibly a hairy goat.
scorpion.txt Scorpion.
serpent.txt Serpent.
sheep.txt Sheep.
snail.txt Snail.
sparrow.txt Sparrow.
spider.txt Spider.
stork.txt Stork.
swallow.txt Swallow.
swan.txt Swan.
swine.txt Swine.
tortoise.txt Tortoise.
turtledo.txt Turtledove.
unicorn.txt Wild bull.
viper.txt Viper.
vulture.txt Vulture.
weasel.txt Weasel.
whale.txt Whale.
wolf.txt Wolf.
worm.txt Worm.
files.dat Adopted by Condescending Angel, possibly ARJ of ZIP
files.dmp Adopted by Condescending Angel, possibly ARJ of ZIP
files.idx Adopted by Condescending Angel, possibly ARJ of ZIP