From: Colleen Mcpherson Area: TOPY To: All 14 Nov 94 15:51:00 Subject: GP-O's literature UpdReq I am involved in competitive speech, and as of recent, I have added _Unclean_ to my poetry repertory. I have entered two speech competitions, and thus far have been penalized for it's effectiveness. I have decided that perhaps I should "compromise" my principles, and change the piece for one that is less blantantly offensive. I do live in the buckle of the Bible belt (Oklahoma). My first piece is _Terminus_, which has been received very well, yet, the conservative judges have not been able to tolerate the honest slap in the face that stings their intellect, which is sorely lacking. I wish to continue popping thee cherry. Does anyone have suggestions as to other GP-O or David Tibet material that is as effective as _Unclean_? All help would be greatly appreciated. ****************************Colleen McPherson******************************* 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718