From: Max Delysid Area: TOPY To: All 26 Sep 92 13:53:08 Subject: TOPY Internet Digest 2.09 1 ov 3 UpdReq ________________________________________________________________________________ XXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XX XX TEMPLE 0V PSYCHICK Y0UTH XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX RATI0 ZER0 TRANSMISSI0N 2.09 XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XX XX 23 september, 1992 XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXX SEND: Submissions, Inquiries & Suggestions to: or: TRANSMISSIONS:box 12044:seattle wa:98102 ________________________________________________________________________________ 1- Edit by coyote 131 2- a B-Earth announcement 3- Muzak by G P-O 4- by coyote 76 5- Dreamtime by coyote 131 ________________________________________________________________________________ 1- Yet another Equinox has come and gone...Fall is favorite season...though i might sometimes over indulge in existentialist angst and melancholy...i revel in what ever emotions arise before they pass away... we might also keep in mind thee Fall ov Eve & Adam from Eden after their first taste ov Knowledge....did thee Serpent trick them...or did they trick the Serpent...or did GOD trick them all? everything becomes emptiness, coyote 131 This body is the Bodhi-tree. There is no Bodhi-tree. The mind is like a mirror bright; Nor stand of mirror bright. Take heed to keep it always clean Since all is void, And let not dust collect upon it. Where can the dust alight? -Shen-hsiu -Hui-neng ________________________________________________________________________________ 2- OO OO OOOOOOOOOOOO OO OOOOOO OO OOOOOOOOOOOO OO OO *Announcing thee birth ov TOPYluna,thee new Northwest ActionPoint!* Greetings and l-ov-e to All! On Aug.23,1992 e.m.,TOPYluna burst upon thee heavens and earth,coumpleting a triad ov "bright lights from above" shining forth from thee US West Coast! Our purpose is to becoum a rallyeing-point for all topi in thee NW region, that we may Link together in Thought and Action! "Divine lunatics" we, as thee Moon reflecting thee Light ov thee Sun,and also transmuting it: inextricably bound together,yet vibrating different frequencies than thee solar cycle,thee moon is an essential Key for creating thee Black Sun::thee eclipse::and from that coums new light yet once again! Thee goal is Involvement Thee means is Action We invite all in thee Pacific Northwest Region to coumtact us, Write to TOPYluna: PO Box 111327, Tacoma,WA 98411-1327 or coumtact us via thee TOPY++ digital Link with your idears,your dreams and nightmares! L-ov-e all ways! *luna* ________________________________________________________________________________ 3- MUZAK-A CONCEPT IN HUMAN ENGINEERING by Genesis P-Orridge Frequency and Pulsation are beginning to appear to be one of thee most crucial metabolic stabilisers as medical and biochemical knowledge increases. Thee Black Box which cures drug addiction without withdrawal symptoms in 10 days relies on frequency and pulsation. Small electrodes are attached above thee Mastoid nerve centres behind thee ears. A tiny electrical charge passes through thee brain sub-liminally releasing Endorphine, thee body's own natural "heroin/morphine", which drenches thee body, keeping it high. Thee "JUNK" drug is redundant, passes from thee body. Thee Endorphine prevents any withdrawal symptoms as it regulates thee metabolism and hormones. Once thee junk has gone, thee natural Endorphine goes too, not creating any withdrawel, bar slight sickness for a couple of days, an occasional, mild headache. So, you switch from INTRODUCED unnatural junk, to internally produced natural junk, this latter being no problem to the body at all. The Doctor who discovered this travelled through Tibet, thee Far East. Thee Black Box can be tuned to other Frequencies and Pulses to cure other illnesses and metabolic imbalances, e.g. Migraine, Periods, Asthma. In Tibet, Singing Bowls, Singing Bells, Thigh Bone Trumpets, Drums are used in, to westerners, non-logical combinations to cure Migraines, Mental Illness, and other metabolic imbalances. Thee language used is different. Thee heads of Demons are split asunder, Demons are exorcised from those possessed (could describe a junky in cold-turkey). In other ethnic cultures, trance states, visionary states are achieved by Rhythms and Frequencies. In New Guinea large Sacred Flutes vibrate thee air against itself causing mental revelatory states and precognition. In Morocco, thee Joujouka players use high Frequency pipes and drums to reach ecstatic states and conjour up Pan and effect Magick. In thee Mayan civilisation, there were strange unexplained "oil-lamps" which for a long time were merely trinkets in Museums, misunderstood objects. Then one day a young archaeologist happened to idly blow through one, hit a pure, very high pulsating note that sent him on a "trip". Throughout thee world, in all cultures therefore, primitive and technological, man has instinctively known that Frequency and Pulse coumbined had amazing effects on mind and body. Until recently, there was no language to adequately describe this interrelationship, and even now, Research is only slowly collating precise data on which frequency/pulse does what. Everyone has observed Tribal warriors whipping themselves into a trance for war, to feel no pain (that is of course Endorphine) or for "Magick", to have visions, see Demons, etc. (that is its visionary, hallucinogenic capacity). Yet two and two were never fully put together. A Bill Haley concert would end in frenzied vandalism, Bill Haley thinking it was because his music was so fantastically good and exciting AS MUSIC. In fact it was a coumbination of mass hysteria, as in Tribal dancing, and an actual drug-induced, metabolic explosion, totally unconscious and uncontrolled, triggered by thee inherent rhythms and Frequencies of sound. Because he was unaware of thee triggers he was dabbling with, thee very results were unpredictable, coumfused and uncontrolled. Funny enough, those Right-Wing journalists who condemned this "jungle music" were far closer to thee truth than their tiny minds could ever have envisaged. So music does PHYSICALLY reconstruct, ENGINEER, thee brain, its hormones, thee body, its hormones; its entire metabolic regulator system is tuned. There is a great deal of pressure upon thee inventors of thee Black Box to cease their research; or hand it over to thee Governments of USA and Britain. There is incredible pressure from thee huge drug corporations to prevent its widespread publicity and application too. Obviously they have a vested interest in making millions from drug-dependent human beings whilst simultaneously suppressing their visionary capabilities. Thee old story Burroughs got so right. This also explains thee kidnap of Rock music in thee Sixties by thee Governments and Media, aided by corporations and coumglomerates to defuse its radical abilities to restate thee tribal unification and ecstasy of primitive ritual music. Drugs suppress, commercial "easy listening" music suppresses, they quite literally addict and destroy thee potency of each metabolism they affect. It is a war, no two ways about it, and only now do we have thee information and technology needed to fight our own guerilla war back. One has to begin to construct one's music to short-circuit thee implants we've been conditioned into with commercial music. One has to avoid and reject thee drugs of control we've been conditioned to rely on in moments of defeat and self-hate. We need to discover and research, as scientifically as possible, methods to reach drug states that are useful without thee use of drugs. Sound, Frequency, Dreamachines are thee keys to that. Boy guerilla in a police station, questioned, under threat, no worries about blackmail through needing a fix, no cold turkey. He can use trained voice pitch to flip out his custodians, send them blind, make them vomit and walk out a free man stamping his feet in coded rhythm of control paranoia. Information suppressed by authorities and monopolised by big business is usually dangerous to their supremacy and useful to us, making them both impotent and redundant. When power is dispensable it is no longer power, it is pathetic posturing. Burroughs and Gysin chanced upon cut-ups, they had thee vision to see thee IMPLICATIONS. And discovering thee code of true implications is thee mark of real genius, really radical thought. Gysin hallucinated constructively whilst travelling on a bus through France. Thee sunlight flickering through regularly spaced trees on his closed eyelids pulsing at slightly different phased intervals being thee key, coumbined with a particular frequency. He understood thee IMPLICATIONS, and with Ian Sommerville built thee DREAMACHINE, probably thee most important and thee most neglected anti- control, anti-drug device ever invented by mankind. Permanent visions and perceptual revelations for an occasionally replenished light-bulb. With T.G. we openly declared our primary interest was METABOLIC music, and thee application of cut-up techniques with tape and sound to non-entertainment motivated music directed at deconditioning social restraints on thought and body. In PSYCHIC TV we intend to apply our research and new information to building an even more precise and useful Individual structure that consciously takes into account thee real effects of Frequency and Pulse butter propagandises them in a very deceptive and subliminal way. A distorted mirror reflecting muzak back on itself. An innocuous parody of style, tactic and structure that in fact contains, in code, thee seeds of its own destruction, and hopefully, thee structure that nurtures it. To appear deflowered yet to be totally potent. REFERENCES Thee language used in mysticism, quite rightly has been debunked. It has becoum a crutch of not-understanding that allows dogma to flourish. Our enemy must always use dogma. To ask "WHY?", to "NEVER ACCEPT" are crucial. Thee most crucial and stimulating of human capacities. However, one can recognize an intuitive grasp of thee real function of sound when, for example, Paramhansa Yogananda says: "I understand the explosive vibratory power in human speech could be wisely directed to free one's life from difficulties and thus operate without scar or rebuke." "Any word spoken with clear realization and deep concentration has a materialising value. Loud or silent repetition of words has been found effective in psychotherapy. The secret lies in the stepping-up of the mind's vibratory rate." PTV suggested that musick is like teeth. You keep probing around until you find holes and then you fill them in until you have a coumplete set. Industrial Music was a term coined by Monte Cazazza for our early research. We openly declared we should eventually like to invent an anti-muzak that, instead of cushioning thee sounds of a factory environment, made use of those very sounds to create rhythmic patterns and structures that incorporated thee liberating effects of music by unexpected means. This approach is diametrically opposed to thee position of official MUZAK, as supplied by thee MUZAK CORPORATION of AMERICA. Their intention is to disguise stress, to control and direct human activity to generate maximum productivity and minimum discontent in order to give large corporations and industrial coumplexes thee highest possible profit with thee least responsibility. At this point E quote direct from a book published by thee MUZAK CORPORATION for its employees only and which E was able to read sections of by nefarious means: Upon entering thee Headquarters of Muzak Corp., there is a marble tablet set into thee wall which reads 'MUZAK-A CONCEPT IN HUMAN ENGINEERING.' "One problem we face today is noise. We are going to have to protect people against noise pollution." Dr. Bill Wokoun-Director of Human Engineering. "Even banks have a noise problem, a sonic overload of chairs scraping/coughing/machines/high heels on vinyl/talking. It is becoming very evident that you have got to protect people who are working. They will have to wear ear-plugs or ear-muffs. But people don't LIKE to do this because it makes them feel violated. So we're experimenting with a way of making it more COMFORTABLE to wear headsets (be violated! - Ed.) by piping in muzak." Dr. B. Wokoun. Muzak is a PROGRAMMED ENVIRONMENT. The raw material of muzak is music. Muzak serves 43 of the top 50 largest Industrial companies. In ice-bound radar stations, muzak stimulates the men who man the DEW-Line, the Distant Early Warning Cordon, to warn of nuclear attack. Over 80 million people a day hear muzak. Muzak isn't music to LISTEN to, it is music to HEAR. Muzak is functional music. There are three main Muzak programmes, for Heavy Industry, Light Industry and the Basic, or Office programme. In each of these 15 minutes of music, or "sound- inmotion" as we call it, is followed by 15 minutes of silence. "The ironical thing is, we have no trouble in TOTALITARIAN countries. Mood control and crowd control is part of the work of the HUMAN FACTORS DIVISION. "The IRREDUCIBLE MINORITY are people who don't want or like muzak. A muzak transmission studio is a dream of 1984 automation." (From the Muzak Corp. Bulletin G.B.) "If muzak makes people happy and contented in their environment, like air-conditioning and a colour scheme, how can it NOT be good?" 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718 From: Max Delysid Area: TOPY To: All 26 Sep 92 13:53:58 Subject: TOPY Internet Digest 2.09 3 ov 3 UpdReq Putting this together...what's the damn point? THOUGHTCRIME is an meeting place for all of us to examine what's up in our heads without having the only recourse being the standard books on intro philosophy and psychology. As an Initiate in TOPY, I use a method of ritual and magick to create little p rograms that search through my mind, and signaling me of certain E-vents. This magickal process is certainly one of the options that will have to be explored if Homo sapiens, the naked ape, is to survive much beyond our present generations. Any magickal process- a ritual or a routine which is done in order to expedite or 'throw energy at' a goal- requires PKE (psychick energy) from you! If you go through a bunch of procedures, spend a lot of money or precious incenses, toad hairs, and raid ever botanica in thee nation but neglect to properly focus the energy within your mind towards the goal at hand, all is lost. You might as well leave everything up to destiny, and become the ultimate fatalist. Even if you as an Individual do throw PKE at a goal, how do you know that most of it isn't being dispersed in the atmosphere, perhaps creating the realm of 'chaos'? Let's think of the average American mind after 12 years of schooling- it's much like the gasoline engine. Did you know that upward of 90% of the energy created by our standard automobile engines is simply wasted in an inefficient conversion to heat energy? Imagine if we could make them only 10% more efficient- the best engines would be get ting at least 100 miles/gallon, and even the worst would be somewhere around 50 mpg! Metaprogramming is the same; if we can learn to tune up our minds and make them more efficient, the energy that we disperse towards a goal, focusing through a ritual tha t the mind creates will increase astronomically. One way that you will see this happen is that a lot of magickal questions you might have had are suddenly elucidated. Magickal processes become one level more intuitive. Perhaps even your magickal processes will generate positive results most of the time...and those which do not come to fruition can be analyzed and broken down as to the cause of their failure. I've read a lot of essays like this, and at this point, most of them end. All of the outline is for nothing- there is nothing practical in it. First of all, in order for rituals and sigils to work one must practice them, read about them, and look at th em from all levels. There are many places you can learn this information. TOPYSexT has an extensive catalog of books that show some of the more simple, intuitive types of magick. I recommend 'Intuitive Magick', Wizards Ov Ov', 'TOPY Is', and any of the A.O. Spare books now available. TOPYSoL is currently producing Sigilbook, an extensive documentation produced quarterly about practical sigil magick. The Peter Carroll books (Liber Null, Psychonaut, Psychonomicon among them) have a great deal of well-p resented information that not only serve as an introduction to a lot of information, but also as a 'reference'. Duncan's Book of Ritual Freemasonry is an excellent introduction to the levels of higher magick. In conjuncti! on, if you can get hold of the long-out-of-print Secret Rituals of the O.T.O. (S. Weiser Press, about 1974), The Golden Dawn (I. Regardie, Llewellyn Press), and (of course) Equinox by Crowley, you should be very buried for the time being. In addition to those books which present 'pure' magickal information, classical books by philosophers will help one to 'bone up' on the pure process of thought. Look at what these people are saying...pull out the allegories, find their faults in overext ending analogies, and what they were trying to get at. This stuff is a pure bitch to read, but perhaps the hours you spend reading it will at least clue you in on how critical you can be of your own process. It will also teach you to have a more open mi nd. Many of these individuals died whilst clinging onto tattered theories that were their misconceived brainchildren, and never had thee personal energy to release their minds from a tiny little cavern that was safe and dirty, and venture out beyond the shadows of their pasts. Coyote 76 Box 948545 La Jolla California 92037 Much thanks to Coyote 129, Kali 79, thee Iluminati M/C, TOPYBabylon, TOPYNorthKal, TOPYSexT, TOPYX, TOPYNA, old Coyote 12, Neil R., Larry, Coyote 44, Coyote116, Jack S., Coyote 98, Coyote 50, Kali 501, Coyote 19, Coyote 77, Coyote 104, Kali 64, Coyote 49 , C.O.T.A, H23, Vajra, Coyote 164, Kali 67. Special thanks to Thoughtcrime. No thanks to those of you who know who you are. Do what thou wilt. So mete it be. GIDYESPID! ________________________________________________________________________________ 5- dreamtime by coyote 131 while in almost daily contact with c121 via computer i had a dream with him in it...though i had not physically met him yet. "i was in a large white large that i could not tell where walls met floor or ceiling...there was a clear light emanating from within intense but not blinding...c121 was there...shorter than facial features...but long black hair...[c121 in fact shaves his head, but long hair is a sign of magickal prowess in many cultures]...tight black pants, tee and boots...neither of us spoke...but communicated nonetheless... whether it was our brainwaves made audible or some other transmission... occasionally this space was flooded with a low hum similar to a fog horn that came in waves...with no discernible pattern..that filled our very being." "i was in a `junk shop' looking for brass horn...[i have been looking for a trumpet made out of horn and one made from brass, i have one made from a thighbone and a conch shell and wish these other two to do a ritual quartet piece, this dream took place after finally obtaining a conch shell] ...and to my surprise there were a couple of straight brass horns all beat up like CRASH WORSHIP's...i picked one up and let out a echoed infinately and filled this space with a low hum similar to a fog horn... it was then that i realized that `that room' [see above] was beyond behind ordinary reality...nor different from ordinary reality...that is `nirvana is samasara; samsara is nirvana'." always remember dreamtime is more real than realtime... ________________________________________________________________________________ END TRANSMISSION 2.09 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718