From: Markie Chao Area: TOPY To: Max Delysid 4 Jul 92 09:06:02 Subject: RE: TOPY Transmission 2.06 Sent UpdReq Well, from my `center-of-the-universe' perspective, I didn't see any messages from you for a long time, therefore you were gone! Hehehe, chaologic. Anyway, glad the connections are reestablished (until the next time) and thank-you for the other information! Please keep me up to date, as I mentioned I was hoping to get loose ends cleared up. Let me know if there's any way I can help with some time and effort or anything of that nature. I'm no expert on TOPY but from what I've seen and been told, I think it is a worthwhile endeavor. 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718