From: Maldoror Area: TOPY To: Max Delysid 19 Jun 92 15:13:44 Subject: TSK TSK... UpdReq And now the cheek is turned. The Pact is in many ways similar in ideology to thee Temple; but from the TOPYists I've seen, there isn't any magical work going on at all, just a number of writers networking. Perhaps when Barbara Shore was calling most of the shots in the IOT Amerika, things were the same. Things change; when was the last time you DID anything with the Pact? No, I don't mean to start another tirade, and repeat the Triple Six bullshit. Only curious, especially about a working TOPY. I wouldn't mind changing my opinion of the group at all, although there will remain a snicker about the Beck Road "vault of 3 liquid sigils" being an unlocked filing cabinet, to which the hundred or so hard core's sent their "ov", ONCE a month. 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718