From: Goodtime Warrior Area: Base of Set To: Dark Star 15 Jun 94 18:07:00 Subject: My Satanic Adventure - Pt 3 - PEI BonewitsUpdReq DS> GW> What, nothing about begging Satan to enlarge his penis? DS> DS> Begging in great detail, actually. I've seen the particular DS> scene in the movie DS> and it is really a hoot! I don't wonder Bone-Wits didn't DS> mention it! hee-hee! DS> Something I'd like to see some time...just for laughs. His rhetorical style ("the neo-Nazi Michael Aquino"; "patriarchal groups like the Temple of Set and other fundamentalist Christians like them") is equally laughable... 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718