From: Mistress Macabre Area: Base of Set To: All 21 May 94 19:26:00 Subject: Set and so on... UpdReq If Set was the Egyptian god of death, why is he regarded as evil? Death isn't that bad of a thing. It sounds like Christian and other Western influence on a good name to me. Yes, I knoe the Egyptians feared him, but why would they? I though they looked forward to the afterlife... 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718 From: The Cegorach Area: Base of Set To: Michael Aquino 22 May 94 09:50:36 Subject: RE: UK Report - "Satanic Abu UpdReq -=> Michael Aquino said to Delphine Darkmoon (30 Apr 94 09:11:26) <=- Re: RE: UK Report - "Satanic Abu MA> feeling of power, etc. But now that most such attempts have been MA> directed against [non-Satanic] parents, to say nothing of the MA> organized Christian churches, it's but a question of time before the MA> fad is socially squashed. I'm in the midst of a "catch-up-on-old-offline-mail-packets" sweep...thus the delayed response. :) I wish I could share your optimism. However, the witch-hunt/evil conspiracy mentality is something I don't see disappearing. Even if the overt target (in this case, "Evil Satanic Conspiracies") changes, the phenomenon seems to be a rather doggededly persistant part of our history. From the Romans accusing the early Christians of cannibalism, to the Christians accusing the Jews of cannibalism, to the so-called Burning Times, to the charges against the Templars, to the McCarthy-era Red Scare, to Waco, to Bob Larson--I don't see scapegoating disappearing anytime soon. In fact, I'm not even all that optimistic that scapegoating of "Satanists" will disappear anytime soon. Three cheers for Millenialism (sp?), eh? Larry ... "Man has the right to write as he will." Liber OZ 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718