From: Frank Mertus Area: RPSTOVAL To: D-Magi 12 Dec 94 12:16:16 Subject: Hi UpdReq D->Just letting you know I am here. Should be taking my initiation soon, D->Darrin and I are planning a trip to Eugene sometime soon. D-> LOL D-magi Like when dude? I would love to come along and assist . --- ~ OLX 2.1 ~ Necrophilia is okay, so long as neither partner objects. -- DLG Mailroom:QWK v1.0 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718 From: Frank Mertus Area: RPSTOVAL To: Ormus 12 Dec 94 12:16:16 Subject: RE: INITIATIONS UpdReq OR> Hopefully Fr. Phaedrus will wish to join us as well...Methinks OR>that Brother Tony would also like to be present, as well. Wow, it looks OR>like you just might have most of RPSTOVAL Camp going up there with you! OR>:) :) Let me know when, then count me in... OR> On a side note, considering we have not had the resources to put OR>on a Mass, Tony and I have been discussing the possibility of going up OR>to Coph-Nia or even Panurge or Adonis Apophis Camp to partake in a Mass. OR>If you are interested, let me know...We have not worked out any specific OR>details yet, but we DO know that it is something that needs to be done, OR>soon! We will probably make this a regular monthly event until we can do OR>Mass on a regular basis here, ourselves. Talk to Vandimir about it, and he might get one going on the same weekend as the initiations. --- ~ OLX 2.1 ~ Necrophilia is okay, so long as neither partner objects. -- DLG Mailroom:QWK v1.0 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718