From: Gerald Del Campo Area: RPSTOVAL To: Anyone 30 Mar 92 16:31:42 Subject: Thelema without Christianity Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. I was chewing the fat with friend of mine the other day and I came across an interesting question: What would Thelema be like if Christianity had not come first? Does Thelema exist on the premise that Christianity came first, or can it stand up on its own? If the Aeon of Horus had come right after the Aeon of Isis how would that change the interpretation of Liber AL? (Keep in mind that the names Horus and Isis in this context are used as a convinient way to separate time frames). Does anyone out there perceive Horus as the character described in The New Testament as "The Second Coming"? i.e. "I come not to make peace but to wage war", etc... The reason I ask is that in a previous conversation with another Thelemite, he indicated that it was impossible to be a Christian, or a Jew, and a Thelemite simultaneously. Love is the law, love under will. Yours in curiosity, Gerald 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718