From: Taltos Area: THE_OASIS To: Any And All 13 Oct 94 19:01:00 Subject: THOUGHTFUL MUSINGS UpdReq Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law! Had some thoughtful musings last weekend, and actually managed to get them down in writing for once. Most of it is stuff that everyone else already figured out a long time ago, but I welcome input and discussion from anyone :) Love is the law, love under will. Taltos P.S. Warning - It's long :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/8/94 17:08 Moon in Sagittarius, Sun in Libra Hot and dry! I have been saying for a long time now that I need to start recording my thoughts. It seems like I am forever coming up with these flashes of insight about the universe and how things work, but I get so lazy that I never write anything down and I later forget what it was that I was thinking about. I've come to the conclusion that if I wan't my life to change now, I have to do something about it. No longer can I afford to just drift through life and take what comes to me. For the last two years I have half-assedly been studying the laws of Thelema. But what have I really learned from all of this time? Deep inside of me I know, or at least I think I know, what the purpose is in all of this. I have these visions of everything in the world, hell, the universe, connected by patterns of energy. Electrical, magnetic, psychic, I don't exactly understand what type of energy it is, but I know it is there, and I know that it exists. For this I'll just have to rely upon intuition. For whatever reason, the use of magick appears to affect this energy, or rather, allow me to focus and direct the energy in ways that allow me to accomplish my will, as opposed to letting the energy carry me along. I'm thinking of pictures I've seen that map out the effects of a magnetic field. Each magnet has a distinct shape to the field it creates, but as two magnets or more are put in close proximity to each other, these fields adapt, change, and even sometimes merge to create new fields. If each human, animal and living creature in the universe creates such a field, then it is only logical to me that the interactions of those fields affect all of us, even when we don't realize it. Science, mystics, researches, preachers, everyone agrees that in some unknown way, concentration, or will, can affect the way that our bodies react to stimuli. It is possible to control our bodies, and the world around us, simply by thought alone. If we define magick as the ability to cause change to our environment in conformity with our will, then how does this differ from the Christian Scientist who uses his "scientific" methods to keep himself healthy? Or the Budhist monk who is able to do the same through meditation? The swami's who can control their bodies so thoroughly that they appear to be dead, or fit their bodies in positions and places that I couldn't even dream of? All of this, plus much more that I'll try to put down in words as I go along, lead me to realize that there really is only one truth, and that all truths are equally valid. Sounds like a contradiction at first. But it really is only a matter of perception. If four people are all headed to the same location, but coming from different directions, the journey's will all be different. One might come through desert, one through woods, one through plains, one through mountains. The ultimate goal is the same, merely the path is different. Does that make any one of the four's journeys any more or less valid than the other three? No! So why should it be that a Christian's way of religion is any better than the Moslem's, or the Jew's, or the Thelemite's? Of course the answer is that it isn't. None of them are any better than the others. This is the key to achieving peace. Why then do we have so much friction and war? Why can't we all just get along, as Rodney King says? I don't know. If I did, then I'd probably not be sitting here right now. But I can guess. Growing up, I was always taught that to be right was my utmost goal. I always had to have the right answer, always the one to get done first, be the best. This in and of itself isn't necessarily bad. It's the idea that only my way was right, that there could only be one winner, that is where we go wrong. It is possible to be the winner, and still not come in first place. Just look at the special olympics to see that. Every one of those athletes are winners, not because they happened to cross the finish line first, but because they crossed it at all. If I can accept that all paths are valid, I mean really accept it down to my core, not just intellectually accept it, then it matters not to me that I may choose a less structured way of seeing the universe than someone who needs all the calculations and correspondences to understand it. We all have our own unique way of arriving at a destination. As long as we recognize each other once we are there, instead of only seeing how we got there, then that is all that really matters. Too many of us are blinded by that key point, and are unable to go on to the next step. What is the next step then? If I recognize that others were able to reach the same destination using a different path, and I know that I learned so much valuable information during my own journey, it seems logical that the others have just as much valuable information to teach me from their own journeys. Back to magick for a bit. If there are energies in everything around us, even what we can not see with the naked eye, then those energies can be manipulated if we know the right method. Magnetics and electricity teach us that if you align the energies properly, you can get some surprising, even shocking, results. (pun intended) Could it be then that magick is simply another way of causing electrical flow, much as the generator does? OK, maybe it's not electrical, but the principal is still the same. Electricity is the result of free electrons moving in a path along a conductive material, such as copper. Let's make an assumption now that there is a form or partical in the universe that can be channeled by the mind. Let's call it a magon. Every living being in the universe has magons, and every non-living thing. Perhaps they exist beyond the plane of existance that we perceive on earth, the astral and beyond. By learning to understand the world around us, we are given insight to the world within us as well. Learning to see the connections between it all we begin to understand that just as we can manipulate electricity to give us light and heat, perhaps we can learn to manipulate these magons as well. We've seen the results of these manipulations before. From the person that bends spoons with the mind, to those who can see into another's mind, to the person who can produce flame with a thought. Going back the the generator, the larger the magnet, and the faster it rotates, the bigger the electrical field that is created. Keep in mind that the magnet creating this field follows the same path over and over again. If we carry this thought over into magick, then we begin to see some correspondences. When I perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP), I am using thought, body motion and sound in a specific pattern, to accomplish a specific goal. With practice I achieve familiarity with the energies being manipulated by this ritual. Just as learning a new physical skill takes practice, which etches the paths of the energies required into my brain, so does the magick. More practice means better control of the energies, which can lead to more visible results. What then if we take several people in a room, and all are working towards the same goal? If several generators working together can produce massive charges of electricity, should not then several peole performing the same ritual, with the same goals, be able to achieve that much more? Now I take this one step further. In time, with enough practice at the LBRP, I can achieve the same results by going through the routines in my mind as I when I do it physically. So in a room full of people who are familiar with the LBRP, it makes sense that only one person need do the physical motions, to give the group a single focal point. All are concentrating on the same goal, and the physical motions of the one are enough for all in the group to align themselves in the same manner. Because all are aligned in the same direction, so to speak, and all are acting as conductors for these magons, then as a group we are able to produce more effect with the magons than is normally possible for a single person. How then are these energies, these massive levels of magons, used? Think about the Gnostic Mass. What is it's purpose? There is much energy created/gathered during the Mass itself. The Priest and Priestess act as conduits for energy coming from another plane, through the manifestations of Ra Hoor Kuit and Nuit. The Congregation focuses the energy of the earthly plane, interpreting what is seen and heard through the minds of meer humans. I believe the key here is the Deacon. This person must be in a position to see, feel, touch and understand the energies being produced by both sides, join them, and emanate them to all the participants. Just as a North polar magnet will attract a South polar magnet, so then must these energies from the different planes attract each other. But as with the magnets, until they are brought into proximity with each other, there is not enough force to bring them together. Once they are brought together though, they combine to produce more than the sums of their parts. I can't physically feel a magnetic field, yet when I put a North and South pole magnet together, I can feel the force that tries to keep them together. When I attend a Mass, I can feels this same ty--- TBBS v2.1/NM * Origin: Modem Magick /Multi-line/ (619) 447-5010 (1:202/311) 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718 From: Taltos Area: THE_OASIS To: Any And All 13 Oct 94 19:08:00 Subject: THOUGHTFUL MUSINGS #2 UpdReq - continued from previous message - to keep them together. When I attend a Mass, I can feels this same type of manifestation in many forms. A sense of overwhelming love, passion, heat, and pressure, to name a few. Where then does all of this lead us? The quest for knowledge. Without it, we can go nowhere. To understand magick, we must understand ourselves. To understand ourselves, we must understand the world around us, include the others we share it with, science, medicine, technology. It all interacts, and the key to it all is balance. If you concentrate to much on one subject, you loose sight of the others. I see the conservative christians of today who concentrate so much on their concept of morality that they loose sight of the love and understanding that Christ was trying to teach. The Budhists who ignore the physical for the spiritual. The Scientists who ignore the spritual for the facts. The Thelemics who concentrate so much on their own will, that they forget to anylize how their will affects others around them. It's a skill I don't find easy to perfect, if I ever will perfect it, but that is my current goal. To look at every phase and facet of my life and my interactions with others, and attempt to achieve a balance. Learning to control my reactions with others. If a person projects anger at me, then I can respond with a balancing emotion of calmness. Learning to balance these encounters will then lead to understanding, instead of conflict. It's like using a flame to make a piece of paper look like parchment. Too little flame has no effect onthe paper, too much will cause it to burn. It is a constant balancing act to give just the right amount of heat to cause the paper to brown, always adjusting the distance from the flame. So what does all this mean to me? Quite frankly, I'm not sure. I say that I want to accomplish my true Will, but what is that true Will? I'm not sure that I ever will know that, but in the mean time I will concentrate on learning to understand myself, and the world about me, in hopes that by bringing myself into balance with the universe as I know it, I will open the door to a new universe beyond. 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718