From: Phillip Barker Area: Mundane To: Farrell Mcgovern 9 Dec 96 18:48:00 Subject: Chuck Haynes UpdReq FM| * Original Area: magicknet FM| * Original To : All (93:9610/0) FM| I recieved word today that Chuck has inoperatable brain cancer. FM| The doctors give him, at most, 6 months, on the outside to live. He is FM| suffering from rapidly degrading memory loss, and may never leave the FM| hospital, since the cancer is wrapped around the base of the brain...which FM| might force him to be put on a mechanical breathing system. FM| Any help or energy you can spare should be sent to both Pat and Chuck to FM| help them through this difficult time. FM| If you need more contact info, contact me, and will get it to you. FM| Otherwise, you can contact Pat via netmail, please do so and let her know FM| care. FM| Blessed Be, FM| Farrell I've sent crashmail to Pat via their BBS...will she see it? Blessed BE!...Phil * SLMR 2.1 * Aibohphobia (n). - The fear of palindromes. 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718