From: Thomas Izaguirre Area: Mundane To: All 13 Apr 95 21:54:10 Subject: Dornan Goes for broke UpdReq Rep. Robert Dornan (R-CA) has announced his plans to run for the Republication nomination in 1996, basing his campaign on the eradication of legal abortion, which he has described as a divisive wound on the character of the nation which must be healed. Ban abortion, Mr. Dornan, and you will see a rupture unlike any this country has witnessed... 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718 From: Albertus Magnus Area: Mundane To: Psyber 13 Apr 95 01:18:44 Subject: Re: Information. UpdReq *** Quoting Psyber to Albertus Magnus *** Ps> That way, you can proceed to chew HIM/HER a new posterior access Ps> port, Ps> instead of conversing with me about it... You got in my line of fire... so you got scorched a bit. .\lbertus .\.\agnus 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718