From: Shadow Weaver Area: Mundane To: Stargazer 5 Oct 94 21:32:12 Subject: new alias UpdReq S> S> * . * . ** . * .. S> * . * . * . . . S> . * S> . * * . * . * S> S> S T A R G A Z E R S> . * . * . * * S> O S> \|/ S> | S> / \ S> S> S> Stargazer, while the above is a well done bit of ascii art, it's just a bit big. Takes up a lot of space, especially when others are footing the bill for sending it around the world. Gigantic sigs may be the in thing on the Internet, but here they tend to detract from the message, especially when the sig is bigger than the message. Shadow Weaver 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718